Thursday, November 29, 2007











Sunday, November 25, 2007


你若不壓橄欖成渣 它就不能成油
你若不投葡萄入酢 它就不能變成酒
你若不煉哪噠成膏 它就不流芬芳
主 我這人是否也要受您許可的創傷

您是否要鼓我心絃 發出您的音樂
是否要使音樂甘甜 須有您愛來苦虐
是否當我下倒之時 纔能識愛的心
我是不怕任何損失 若您讓我來相親

主 我慚愧因我感覺 總是保留自己
雖我也曾您雕削 我卻感覺受強逼
主 您能否照您喜樂沒有顧忌去行
不顧我的感覺如何 只是要求您歡欣

如果您我所有苦樂 不能完全相同
要您喜樂須我負軛 我就願意多苦痛
主 我全心求您喜悅 不惜任何代價
您若喜悅並得榮耀 我背任何十字架

我要讚美 再要讚美 讚美何等甘甜
雖我邊讚美邊流淚 甘甜比前更加添
能有甚麼比您更好 比您喜悅可寶
主 我只有一個禱告 您能加增我減少
每次的打擊 都是真利益
如果您收去的東西 您以自己來代替


Friday, November 23, 2007



有一天在找東西,在床下底找了好一陣子,想要的東西找不到,只發現有很多當時認為極具收藏價值的的東西很久沒有理會,已被厚厚的塵埃覆蓋與包圍。翻閱了那些雜物後,雖然已失去當時所認為有的收藏價值,但也仍然收藏,只是有點捨不得。原來有時物質濾積起來目的是要去收集回憶的證據。恐怕有一天會把事件、人物忘 記,因為那可以一同共證的人已不在身邊了。


…每次的打擊 都是真利益
如果袮收去的東西 袮以自己來代替…

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

If we say we love HIM, this will be the time show…

The love of God is amazing and stunning… once again touched by the scripture when Jesus washes the feet of the disciples.

The scripture is as graphical as a movie playing in my head. Jesus and the 12 disciples coming a long way to Jerusalem, they are exhausted. They entered a room, Jesus has made arrangement for the Passover dinner. The room seated 13 tired men, but who will first pick up the towel and basin to wash their filth feet? The job was supposed to be done by the lowest servant of the house. No eyes contact with Jesus’. No fingers move an inch dare to catch any attention of initiation. Jesus get up from his seat, roll up his sleeve, tied his rope around his waist, pick up the towel and basin. He kneels down, unlace the sandals, put the feet into the water. The creator of the universe, the hands created the stars are now doing foot massage. Jesus washes every single one of the disciple’s feet, even Judas, who will betrayal him, even Peter, who will denial him three times before the rooster call. Jesus knows what will happen, He realizes even before Judas and Peter know they will commit such act. When Jesus kneels before Judas, He washes Judas’ feet like everyone else. There’s no where in the bible mention a word that Jesus skip Judas or give a lecture to Peter before washes his feet. Jesus impartially serves every single one of the disciples; even He knows they will do wrong against Him.

I couldn’t help but my tears filled my eyes. Lord, please don’t… The Lord said, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” and “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” Why you leave such a beautiful footstep for us to follow on forgiveness? The part of me inside would revenge eye for eye, hand for hand, tooth for tooth, but you pour out your life into mine unreservedly, I couldn’t but learn to love impartially and selflessly like you. We all need to learn to serve and love those that stabbed brutally, slandered unsparingly and spitted disrespectfully. Often times we see other’s dirty feet but never think of taking up a humble role of a feet washer. We all have filth dirty feet, drop your head and take a look down at your own feet, my feet is not any cleaner than yours. Often times we think we know so well of other’s bad record , however, love keeps no record of wrong. Jesus loves the church of Corinth, a blessed and talented but messy church. Divisions in the church, immortal brother, lawsuits among believers, sexual immorality, misconduct in marriage…etc, the body of Christ is wounded and scarred everywhere. Jesus’ heart is aching and dripping blood. These are things He would never want to see among His church. These are the things that torn His body apart. These are the thing that ought to be stopped immediately. Paul addresses the issues in the church of Corinth. He lectured and exhorted them with harsh word, discipline, authority, history of the Israelites and at last LOVE. Love is the remedy of the ordeal and the language that should spoke among us followers of Christ. Lord, have mercy on your people, to bravely stand, boldly protect and to impartially love.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


她們都說我太心軟… 其實我也很激氣的呢。有時真的不知道怎樣付出愛與關懷才最恰當。失望是想不明白為何人可以如此不自愛。另一方面也因為自己的愛心不被稀罕而失望,感到自己做了多餘的事情。


Monday, November 12, 2007

Starting this week with a Thankful Heart

Although I wake up with a headache and a sore body this morning, my mind is filled with God's blessing. So thankful to be surrounded with God's provision abundantly. Last night, I spent a night entertaining myself, dining at the Japanese food court then enjoy a night of drama at the Ahmanson. The play is not as entertaining as I thought it would be although it is a comedy, and along with my coughing, it is even embarrassing to cough when people are so focus on the play. Oh well, sorry... I didn't mean to interrupt... =)

There are a lot of things that I want to write about, just didn't have the time to put everything in my mind into writing...

I want to write about the thrilling experience to meet my STM room mate again in LA. Even though it is just couple of hours... May God bless B&D! STM is the highlight of 2007.

also to write about the STM video editing experience... first time in my lifetime to edit such a humongous volume of video and condense it into 5 minutes of meaningful message. Thank God for His great help as the editing could take up even more hours, especially thank Brother H for his magical touch!

Oh… I would definitely want to write about this even more embarrassing experience that I fell asleep during Christmas Choir practice. This is historical; I can fall asleep during singing practice. I wonder how that could happen… the coughing and sleepless night... Thank God that I didn’t get to experience those without that. And once again reminded myself of my limitation and don't try to do everything... 我會聽話架嘞!

Even more grateful is that I can witness God’s presence in Guangxi China and share with brothers and sisters in LA. His work is fiercely on forwarding even in the midst of the ‘forbidden’ environment. For the door He has opened, no one can close…

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Trust His Heart

When comforting words come short, when caring is still a world away, when the path ahead remain dark, when the future lies ahead is still uncertain, please TRUST HIS HEART!!

This song is for you who lost your job, who is suffering from tremendous of accusation, who feel that no one cares, who struggling through dark valley after dark valleys, who is so weary in ministry and don't know how to move on, who thought that no one will understand, who thought that no one will love, who thought that marriage is just an arm away, who cry yourself to sleep at night, who has been constantly defeated by trials, who still haven't see the light of God...God uses this song embraced me when I am at those time, you are not alone, I've been there... and you are in my prayer and your name is inscribed in the palm of HIS hand.

All things work for our good
though sometimes we can’t see how they could.
Struggles that break our hearts in two
sometimes blind us to the truth.
Our Father knows what’s best for us;
His ways are not our own.
So, when your pathway grows dim,
and you just can’t see Him,
Remember He’s still on the throne.

God is too wise to be mistaken.
God is too good to be unkind.
So when you don’t understand,
when you don’t see His plan,
When you can’t trace His hand, trust His heart.

He sees the Master plan.
He holds the future in His hands.
So don’t live as those who have no hope.
All our hope is found in Him.
We walk in present knowledge,
but He sees the first and the last.
And like a tapestry, He’s weaving you and me
to someday be just like Him.

God is too wise to be mistaken.
God is too good to be unkind.
So when you don’t understand,
when you don’t see His plan,
When you can’t trace His hand, trust His heart.




Wednesday, November 7, 2007

剪片 - 差遣我


主告訴我 如何獻上我的生命
主告訴我 如何付出我的關懷
差遺我 差遺我 我願付出我所有
差遺我 到需要你的人群中
充滿我 充滿我 用你的愛來充滿我

Tuesday, November 6, 2007





Monday, November 5, 2007

The Beast Inside…

I can not but to pray for repentance.
I can not but to extend my arm to reach out for a chance to save.
I can not but to accept the fact that sin is eating bit by bit of the desolated spiritual life.
I can not but to let go of my prejudice and yearning God for more patience to love again.
I can not but to pack away my disappointment and give hope for God’s sake.

For all that I can’t, God CAN…

It is a life long lesson to tame our rebellious nature. The tug of war between the new creation in Christ with the old rebellious product of sin. It is very upsetting to see God is losing the foothold while the worldly temptation and instant gratification is gaining. Jesus must be heart broken. The potential to sin is our nature, it is in our blood. It got easily irritated, triggered and unleashed just by a minor thought to loosen and putting up the shield of faith. The Psalmist grasped this concept. Blessed are those who pondered at God’s word day and night and will live a life abundantly like it was planted by the source of water.

Dear Lord, please occupy my mind with Your precious word, lest that the worldly treasure will attract my sight. Lord, give me the trials that will keep me close to you. Grant me strength, love and patience to help those who are in need and walk with them extra miles to be close to you. Change my appetite to "Put other's need first..." Make me a blessing for I will be a curse without You.




