Friday, December 28, 2007


來了南卡州幾天,沒有太多可以安靜的時間。這兩天都在遊覽,哥哥嫂嫂爸爸媽媽都十分熱情的要帶我去北卡州的Biltmore Estate看一看,真的盛情難卻。的確是個很有遊覽價值的地方。在行車途中都是山草樹木,雖然都枯乾得只有枯枝,只是一片一望無際退色了的荒原林木。嫂嫂說幾個月前這一片的楬色卻是一片紅黃橙秋色,十分美麗,雖然沒有看見,但能想像得到會是一幅多麼漂亮的景色。這一切都在冬天安睡,為的是要休養生息在生命從臨的春天再展絇麗。這樣的循環定律是天父安放在造物之中的密碼。


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Our Christmas Night



經過差不多九小時多的行程,聖誕節的早上終抵達北卡州的機場。一向相當瞓得的我,也一如平日的一上機就瞓到不醒人事,依稀記得是一個墨西哥裔男子,提著一個電子琴坐在我旁,他面帶笑容非常有禮貌,十分眼瞓的我只可回一個友善的笑容就睡著了。差不多臨落機的十五分鐘前坐在我隔離位的先生在一張紙巾上寫了三句墨西哥話。第一句是「耶穌愛你」、第二句是「我愛你」、第三句是「It’s better to be poor than a liar」。放在紙巾旁還有一本西班牙話的聖經。他看到我睡醒不禁問我從那裡來要往那裡去,簡單幾句的交談之後知道他在聖誕節要回到闊別十五年的家鄉,這是他給他母親的聖誕禮物。然後他拿起他的聖經翻到申命記第二十八章,他說有機會的一定要看這章聖經。大家都用了短短十多分鐘的時間分享信仰,他要把福音帶到家鄉Guatemala的人民,這是給主耶穌最好的聖誕節禮物。

Friday, December 21, 2007


很久以前預備主日學時在聖經中看到新的發現 ,當時的興奮記憶猶新。是的,神在聖經中放置的一言一話都有衪獨特的意思,沒有多餘,也沒有缺欠。趁這個假期真的要好好讀經,在聖經中掘金。


舊約中的「小」人物 ─ 亞希多弗

撒下 15:12-34; 16:15-23; 17:1-34; 代上 27:33-34

1. 名字解作 – 愚蠢的弟兄
2. 大衛的謀士 (撒下15:12; 代上27:33)
3. 基羅人 (基羅是位於希伯崙東北山區的小城)

亞希多弗的出場 (撒下15:12-34)
1. 背景: 押沙龍在希伯崙自稱為王,私自獻祭,亞希多弗是起勢做反的叛黨之一
2. 亞希多弗不是一個真正信神的人
a. 參與在押沙龍不合乎神心意的獻祭
b. 背叛神膏立的君王,倒戈相向
c. 不合神真理的計謀

亞希多弗獻押沙龍的兩個計謀 (撒下16:15-23; 17:1-14)

1. 羞辱大衛,與大衛的妃嬪在日光之下親熱 (v. 20-22)
a. 應驗先知拿單的預言 (撒下12:11)
b. 一雪平頂上的恥辱 – 撒下11:3 vs. 撒下16:22

人物關係 – 撒下11:3; 23:34b


2. 亞希多弗之計 (v. 1-4)


1. 不肯寬恕
2. 自我中心,以為自己是神 (撒下16:23)
3. 耶和華定意破壞亞希多弗的良謀 (撒下17:14b)


Thursday, December 20, 2007







Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Remarkable story of Love

An excerpt from a book... Next Door Savior by Max Lucado

A man had been injured in a fire while attempting to save his parents from a burning house. He couldn't get to them. They perished. His face was burned and disfigured. He mistakenly interpreted his pain as God's punishment. The man wouldn't let anyone see him - not even his wife.

She went to Dr. Maltz, a plastic surgeon, for help. He told the woman not to worry. "I can restore his face."

The wife was unenthused. Her husband had repeatedly refused any help. She knew he would again.

Then why her visit? "I want you to disfigure my face so I can be like him! If I can share in his pain, then may be he will let me back into his life."

Dr. Maltz was shocked. He denied her request but was so moved by this woman's love that he went to speak with her husband. Knocking on the man's bedroom door, he called loudly, "I'm a plastic surgeon, and I want you to know that I can restore your face."

No response.

"Please come out."

Again there was no answer.

Still speaking through the door, Dr. Maltz told the man of his wife's proposal. "She wants me to disfigure her face, to make her face like yours in the hope that you will let her back into your life. That's how much she loves you."

There was a brief moment of silence, and then, ever so slowly, the door knob began to turn.

**The way the woman felt for her husband is the way God feels about us. But he did more than make the offer. He took on our face, our disfigurement. He became like us. Just look at the places he was willing to go: feed troughs, carpentry shops, badlands, and cemeteries. The places he went to reach us show how far he will go to touch us.

He loves to be with the ones he loves.
Everything dim in light of HIS love...

Read me like an open book...




Monday, December 17, 2007


We just want to Thank YOU, for the works that HE has done...

Yes, it was a blast last night!!!

Thanks Bonnie for your serving, faithful and thoughtful. You are very precise on every details, thank you!

Phillip: sorry that we didn't get to play all the games that you prepared. I am sure those game idea will get to play in fellowship in the near future, please keep the thought in mind.

Thomas: Thanks for taking care of the equipment and transporting them with your guys' team. Please help and find out where we can develop the photos and pass back to our guests. Thank you.

Michael: hehe.. good partnership doing MC first time. Sorry for the rush schedule.... for the credit that was put on your credit card, please feel free to make it your own offering to Jesus... (haha... )Thanks for everything, getting the gift card and many more... =)

CinCin: Thanks for being there, taking care of those behind the scene... the seating, point counting and stuff...

Adam: Nice preformance last night... we really thought that you would.... hohoho... thanks for your faithful service in worship team... you made it, lo lake in 2008!

Silvia: Thanks for leading worship last night as you also lead sunday worship too, I am sure you are very tired. Thanks for your effort and faithfulness.

Rebecca: Thanks for always lending your helping hands to worship team, although you are not officially on the team, every bit your effort and spirit count!

Ben, Stanley, Eddie, Eric and Lemon: Thanks guys for the lighting, PPT, helping out with the decoration and transporting the equipment. Your work might not be seen on stage, but it won't happen as nicely without your behind the scene work. Thanks!

Icy: Just want to say Thank you again for preparing the gifts, it surely not an easy task to prepare 30 gifts altogether. Thanks for shopping and wrapping them, especially thanks for putting in the thought to think ahead of time for this service! Thanks!

Meipo and Maurice: Thank Pastor Maurice to put down his 'image' to participate in F4. Your involvement becomes the highlight of the event. Especially thanks to Meipo and Kaylee to support Maurice for everything!

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Fok: thanks for videoing tape the "Philippians One Ding"!!!

SGLs: last but not least... without you and your great effort to invite new comers and friends, we won't have much fun. Please keep contact with the new comers as we will "outreach" in 2008!!!

Let me echo Pastor Maurice, Philippians have a strong and united team, it is a blessing from God. Let this advantage become our tool to serve Him more in 2008 and OUTREACH to the un-church.

To God be the glory!

Friday, December 14, 2007

超低能勁攪笑的夢幻組合 – 腓立比F4

一個平時口多多的 “揣度”

保證你地會嗌 encore


聽說還有腓立比十二樂坊… 這個電光幻影聖誕夜真的不容錯過。

Monday, December 10, 2007









“At times the strength of spiritual community lies in the love of people who refrain from getting caught in the trap of trying to fix everything for us, who pray for us and allow us the pain of our wilderness, our wants, so that we may be more deeply grounded in God.” -- Rosemary Dougherty

We Are the Reason

As little children
we would dream of Christmas morn
And all the gifts and toys
we knew we'd find
But we never realized
a baby born one blessed night
Gave us the greatest gift of our lives

And we were the reason
that He gave His life

We were the reason
that He suffered and died

To a world that was lost
He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live

As the years went by
we learned more about gifts
And giving of ourselves
and what that means
On a dark and cloudy day
a man hung crying in the rain
Because of love, because of love

And we are the reason
that He gave His life
We are the reason
that He suffered and died
To a world that was lost
He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live

Friday, December 7, 2007


今年團契聖誕節聚會的安排總算是一波接一波的困難。神在不斷的挑戰我耐性的極限。對於把事情處理妥當和計劃,一貫的作風便是快、靚、正。估不到已經在幾個月前籌劃的事情到臨一個星期前才完全安頓。這個Service Group末期考試真的很驚險。如何在別人無理的錯誤下和內心在翻騰怒火時仍學習以「用最開心嘅心情,面對最壞嘅事情」。在處理「事」的過程中,我的感受真的沒有什麼大不了,一切也得以大局為主。這兩小時內的經歷很豐富,不論怎樣,事情都過去了,把一切榮耀都歸給神和感恩主賜一班和我同遭高高低低的同工。現在什麼也真的安頓了。


Monday, December 3, 2007

Thank God

Last week has been a frustrating week, going through so many obstacles. God has put a test to my patience and faith through various incidents. I guess that's the final exam to my service in Service Group and to pave a path for the succeeding person. While I am on turbo speed and trying to make things work, God slows me down by detour. What a weak person am I, always forgot to kneel before Him and rely on Him.

It has been quite a learning experience to lead the group, struggling big time of what can be talked about to minimize sensitive topic. Jesus done great thing, the sharing went okay.

Talk about the phone calls made last week, restaurant after restaurant, banquet hall after banquet hall, driving extra miles to actually see the place and dinning experience tasting authentic family style French Crusine. The food and environment are great but not the banquet hall, it is just too small to fit us all. However, it was a lovely experience to spend the night with brothers and sisters who filled with love and understanding. Thank God, the Christmas Party at last finalized at a local (Temple City) restaurant. At times, the right one is just within reach, often times we just traveled too far to search.

Philippians are set with Christmas Party as well as Camp for 2008. The journey up the mountain is already very adventurous, however comparing it with the downhill journey, it is nothing. After a night of shower, the car is covered by a shear of ice. The zig-zac road is jammed with slippery cars. The sliding rock, the winding trees, the head chilling snow, when the nature calls, God is not there, but when our car is just several feet away from the cliff with the slide, God is in our heart. Thank God, we all made it back home safely and got the mission completed. May all the glory to God.

God enlarges our capacity to do more for Him by giving us trials beyond our human mind can imagine, and His grace is given in proportion with it. At the feet of the Lord, no one can boast but to bow and kneel.