Monday, March 30, 2009








Wednesday, March 25, 2009

差遣我 - Send Me Lord



一切從禱告出發... 請你加入為我禱告... 謝謝!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009





Abide In God, for He is our everlasting Bailout!

就算風捲起滄海狂濤 是救主的手仍在引領
願靠主高飛跨出晦暗 讓我安然 因知有祢

讓我安然 尊心信靠

Wrestling in Prayer

The book of Colossians is such a RICH text that enriches my knowledge the FULLNESS of Christ. By reading and studying the book, it gives me a glimpse of His RICHNESS. While concluding the book of Colossians, it comes to my attention that prayer contributes to experiencing the richness of Christ for others and ourselves.

Towards the end of Paul’s letter to the Colossians, he acknowledges some of the faithful servants. Among them, I am especially pleased with Epaphras, for he is always ‘wrestling in prayer’ for you, that may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured. (Col. 4:12) Under the threats of heresy, Paul probably is the sole theological teaching support but surely not the only spiritual support. The names appeared in chapter four, whether is Aristarchus, Mark, Justus or Epaphras, they are diligently praying for the believers in Colossi, Laodicea and Hierapolis. Though it seems simple and meaningless, that prayer is very important. While we think we are struggling alone, the reality is prayer is coming in to shield and strength us, the battle is, indeed, fight hand-in-hand with our dear fellows soldiers in Christ. The source of strength is from God who hears the prayer of His faithful servant. Prayer support between brothers and sisters is the essence of whether we can fight a good fight and gain victory over threats of the non-God culture.

Prayer is like a wrestle. The more we pray, the stronger we are. The more we pray for others, the more strength the other will receive to stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured, just like what Epaphras did for the Colossians.

I am not a good wrestler, though I believe that prayer changes all things. God will use my little praying heart and turns it to an enormous power to win the wrestling battle for people’s heart from falling into Satan’s scheme.

Let’s wrestle in prayer for each other!

Ponder upon HIS ‘richness’

In the past two weeks, I’ve been dedicating my thoughts and meditation on the word FULLNESS. The word fullness, or words with similar meaning like, riches, richness and fully are appearing throughout the entire book of Colossians repeatedly. Paul has given to the brothers and sisters in Colossi and local church in the area both theological and practically teachings. In chapter 3, there are three sets of word caught my attention.

First is ‘set our minds and hearts on the things above’.(Col. 2:1-2)
Second is ‘taken off our old self’ and ‘put on our new self’. (Col. 2:9-10)
Third is ‘let the peace of Christ rule our hearts, and ‘let the word of Christ dwell in you richly’. (Col. 2:15-16)

I started to ponder upon the RICHNESS in Christ… of how to let His word dwells in me richly…

Set our hearts and minds on things above (Col. 2:1-2) where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Christ is the essence. He is the center of everything for He is the first born. He is before all creation and everything are created by Him and for Him. Christ, He who died on the cross for sinners. Sinners can now alive with Christ. These simple words can’t fully express and articulate the entire truth and how graphically it happens in my heart. Christ died for me, a sinner, one with much transgression and fault. I am moved every time this fact touches my heart and I think every believer should. The experience of seeing Christ nailed on the cross like it is first hand, adds on to the richness of the relationship between Christ and I.

Taken off the old self and put on the new self. (Col. 2:9-10) Paul is helping believers in Colossi to grow in maturity while they are at stake of wavering faith by the heresy. Salvation is secured at the time of conversion. Yet, maturity is a process. Believers are holy in the sight of God, yet to be sanctified gradually in daily Christian walk. Taken off the old self and put on the new self is a continuous demolishing and constructing process of a healthy Christian life. Our relationship with Christ becomes richer and richer, when we put on more of Him and take off more of ours. The process of more Him and less us adds flavor to the richness and deepens the relationship.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Skirball 的彩虹





Wednesday, March 11, 2009

歌羅西書 2:13-15

「你們從前在過犯和未受割禮的肉體中死了,神赦免了你們(註:或作“我們”)一切過犯,便叫你們與基督一同活過來;又塗抹了在律例上所寫攻擊我們、有礙於我們的字據,把它撤去釘在十字架上。既將一切執政的、掌權的擄來,明顯給眾人看,就仗著十字架誇勝。」 - 歌羅西書2:13-15




Monday, March 9, 2009





Friday, March 6, 2009

Thoughts on Being Different

A week ago, the devotion from ‘Through the Bible Through the Year’ is about Samuel who was requested by the people of Israel to anointed them a king. Samuel has multiple roles being a priest, a prophet, and a judge to the Israelites. The scripture mentioned that the Israelites have no king in their heart, they do what is fit as they saw. Since the beginning, the governing that God has designed is nothing like monarchy of any kind. God, who is the king of the universe never see himself to us at a higher rank, but conversed with Moses and Abraham like a friend. It is the last thing that God would do to rule over the Israelites with a king. This passage is in and out of my mind throughout the week…

How fatigue it is to keep up with the trend, gauging myself with all others, just to fit in and be able to be recognized. Israelites’ mistake yesterday, is now my/our struggle today. God’s plan and His design on us are unique. From time to time, I trapped myself in such struggle. Whining and upsetting at myself and to God just because I am ‘different’. Hesitating at God’s and other’s love just because I felt that I am not treated equally. During the days of the Israelites, I bet they have similar thoughts. Rationalizing that God doesn’t love them, because they are left alone without a structured governing system like the other neighboring countries. Samuel the prophet, the priest and the judge, under tremendous pressure, has no other choice, but to ordain Saul as the first king and started the monarchy era.

Courage and faith are all it takes to be different. Being courageous to stand alone with no acquaintance of the same kind and being faithful to walk forward with unhesitant steps.

Dear Lord, being different is not secure at all, in terms of feeling.
Being different becomes too adventurous when I am weak in faith.
Being different requires lots of courage and faith.
But… being different is what you have in mind for me and for those who think they stand alone, please give us strength and endurance in proportion to the anxiety that arose with it. Amen.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Fullness of Christ

For all that I knew about Christ, I know none.
For all that He is, is nothing I am.
For all that He is not, is everything I am.

Christ is…………………………I am…
The first born…………………………the creature
Image of the invisible God…………………………alienated from God
Before all things…………………………enemies to God
The head of the body…………………………blemished & accusable
All fullness dwells…………………………not at peace with Him

For all that He reconciled on the cross through the death of Christ’s physical body, is all in His fullness dwelt.

This is the kind of passage must read with imagination of how grand and majestic it is Paul is trying to describe the supremacy of Christ. It is like watching a clip with Paul’s baritone voice narrating the scripture while the clip precludes with a rolling back of the dark at the first streak of dawn while the sun rises above the horizon, and the shimmering edges of the clouds glow brighter and brighter as the dawn rolls in. The little bird breaks through the egg shell just to have the first peek of the world while the rain drops on the drought land at afar. A close up of a rose bud flourishing and dying, and a field of sunflowers turn as the sun arches across the sky at a snapshot. Then, stand at the feet of the mountain gazing at the vast creation of God. How great thou art! “For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him…” (Col. 1:15-23)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Live a life worthy of the Lord

While I am coughing my lungs out these days and absorbing myself with all kinds of medication and inhaling mist days and nights, I am also submerging myself in God’ breath. Colossians is one of the favorite among the favorites.

"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." Colossians 1:9-14

It’s kind of a long passage filled with abundant substances which take quite a while to fully digest. Here are two points that I am pondering upon...

1. Pray for the spiritual wisdom and understanding
The result of praying such is that we will be living a life worthy of the Lord. The questions then will be I am living a life that is not worthy of the Lord. How dreadful and shameful it is to be a living spiritual entity, claiming and enjoying all God given blessing provident, however not living according to which that name should have acquired. I have to admit my poorness in spiritual wisdom because I am blind to see what lies beyond the presence. While the circumstance is not making sense at all, pray for wisdom.

2. God rescue us from darkness and brought us into light. In the midst of all the 'not-so-good' things happened around us that God would want us to pray in order to know His will and being strengthened with great endurance and patience. - which I decided to stop whining but to give praise to God that I am actually made qualified to the event, that requires endurance and patience, God particularly assigned to me, because those are, together with the good ones, inheritance from our loving Father.

Lord, please teach me how to live a life worthy of you, and rescues me from the darkness and bring me into your kingdom of life.