孤星淚Les Misérables的CD聽了很多遍,沒有一次像看電影版時的感動。
背景是法國大革命前後發生的故事,大時代下的小人物,人民在水深火熱之中尋找的只是一餐溫飽和一蓆暖褥。政權動盪之下,因為一些小罪如偷一個麵包而囚禁入獄的人比比皆是。雨果筆下的孤星淚長篇小說正是他在大革命中千萬故事個案裡其中親眼目睹的事實。憑一曲I dreamed a dream唱紅的Susan Boyle,歌曲正出自此音樂劇,想必不陌生。Who am I 和Bring Him Home也是此劇的主打曲。上星期欣賞了電影,雖然是接近三小時的劇目,卻一點也沒有冗長的問題。看孤星淚當然會流淚,有幾個場口是必會掉眼淚的,但從開場到結尾眼淚都盈滿眼眶,沒有掉下來,也沒有退下去。那份導演放置在畫面中的悲傷情感穿透了整齣電影。Les Misérables的法文翻譯正正是悲慘世界或悲慘人們的意思。時代巨輪下的人民生活,一個被放逐的囚犯,走出監牢的一刻說:「我被獲得自由,卻更感迷茫」。故事圍繞著一個對自己身份迷糊的人物,因為一次被完全的寬恕和接納,扭轉了他的人生價值觀。後來碰巧遇到一位臨終托孤的母親,就此繚繞了一段與人性、寬恕、犧牲、愛恨、夢想、現實的動人情節。故事耳熟能詳,觀眾仍能被感動和喜獲驚喜,難得。
這幾天,腦海中停不了Fantine (Anne Hathaway)的一曲I Dreamed a Dream。Anne Hathaway一氣呵成,一個鏡頭的演繹,雖然音色不及Susan Boyle,更不用說比得上歌劇原唱,但她的現場收音加上畫面表情演技,細說年輕時的夢與任由她浪擲的機會,世界給予一切的希望和令人興奮的事情,她都可任性地隨意揮霍與嘗試。最後冷冷地被一個無情的現實打倒了,一切夢都幻滅了。她唱出比無力更累,比絕望更無望,比歇斯底里更悲愴的情感。
Susan Boyle在達人秀中唱出了力量和遼闊感,帶有希望和感染力,博得全場站立起來鼓掌喝采。Anne Hathaway戲中的演繹唱出了悲涼世態的無助和她被現實壓得喘不過氣來的絕望感。兩個演繹,不同的味道。
I Dreamed a Dream
There was a time when men were kind
When their voices were soft
And their words inviting
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time Then it all went wrong
I dreamed a dream in times gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung No wine untasted
But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
And they turn your dream to shame
He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came
And still I dream he'll come to me
That we'll live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather
I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed