Sunday, May 26, 2013

We’re Pressing On

We’re Pressing On
Words and Music by Mark Condon

We’re pressing on to a deeper communion
Where Your Holy Spirit can reign down on us
Cleanse us completely and make us anew;
For Lord we are hungry to commune with You

... and my heart 'Amen', my hands lift, my eyes tearing and my soul long for the Lord...

For Lord we are hungry to commune with You!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013









Monday, May 13, 2013

You Are

有時候,我真的驚嘆,驚嘆在敬拜中可以如此的被神佔領心靈,心中滿是感恩。 耶穌,真的來了,充滿了衪的羊 (Jesus,Come and fill your lamb)。那敬拜的中心是耶穌,亦單單只有耶穌的敬拜聚會。衪,是整個聚會的重心,是主角,是一切,也是唯一聚會的原因。我坐在人群之中,帶著一切生活中大大小小的疑問、重擔、傷害與掙扎,心中別無所求,只想見到主,It’s all about YOU, Lord! 而 主每一次都找著了我,我也找著了主。一切大大小小的包袱在走出聖殿時已沒有在我的背上,都卸下在祭壇上。主把我的擔子承擔了,而擱在我背上的擔子換了是主的,那是愛人的擔子,為主作工的擔子。雖然台上的人一句也沒有呼籲人去做甚麼,也沒有發出任可責備的意思,但那個愛人的使命,用了一種非言語的方式叫人心 甘情願的背上在自己肩膀上。我不知道是如何有此結果的,我想,那是聖靈的工作,當人完全被主充滿,那被主愛著的情感,足以教人懂得,愛,不是佔有,而是分 享。 這一首,You Are,深深的感動我,被主的愛包圍、融化。

You Are

By Mark Roach

You are holy, You are faithful
You are savior, You are friend
You are all I'll ever need
Lord, You are

And You are every question's answer
You are every reason why
You are moving, You are still, Lord
You are

And You are the Lord on high
And You are the way, the truth, the life
And You are the word made flesh
You are the Bright Morning Star
You are

You are glory, Hallelujah
You are hope of peace on earth
You are alpha and omega
You are

And You are comfort, You are refuge
You are love personified
And You are kindness and compassion
You are

You are my God and my King
You are the words that I sing
You are the reason I made this offering (x2)

You are the Lord on high
And You are the way, the truth, the life
And You are the word made flesh
You are the Bright Morning Star

And You are the word made flesh
You are the Bright Morning Star
You are

Thursday, May 9, 2013


一大清早有人打電話來,心想,邊個咁早呀??電話另一端傳來一個小朋友的聲音:「芬EE, 車車噢!」這個小傢伙可能是夢見我了或是我的車吧!然後說了一大堆不知他想表達甚麼的東西,不過那一句用國語說的「我愛你!」 我聽得很清楚!如此開始這一天,樂!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

iPhone的新衣-Orla Kiely

iPhone的新衣,是近期很喜歡的 Orla Kiely。喜歡它的簡單、懷舊顏色和圖案。

與Target 和Uniqlo 都合作出過cross over products。

曾以$2.99的價錢在TJ Max 和 Marshall分別買到了原價$12的記事本。在Target亦有 $8/3樽的洗手液。上年冬天在三藩市的Uniqlo買到$10的頸巾。
