Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 is 13.5 hour ahead of Los Angeles and 2.5 hour behind Hong Kong🇭🇰... that 0.5 hour really throws me off... anyway... it’s been a long traveling day for the last day of 2018. Just a bit of reflection to wrap up the year,
Thank God for guiding me finished well for my first full time employment since 1999(yes it is last century), for the last 3 years working is a bit of challenge, “life is tough but GOD is Good” and am now through. 🏃🏻♀️
Starting to make soap and selling it is another turn of surprise and I am still learning new things every time I put on my gloves to make a new batch, God let me make mistakes that is bearable and He is trimming my short comings for always being a “fast pace”(心急)person. I always tell myself ‘李翠芬,慢慢來,你唔趕,唔駛咁快。’ Learning to slow down and be patience remain my life long lessons.
And now I am at Sri Lanka, taking on a journey that I never thought of, responsible for myself and my niece, God’s training on me never give up. His Grace is Sufficient.
Looking out for 2019, I am luxury enough to explore the world a bit before I dive into another “well”, a time to expand my horizon and see the world with my own eyes.
The first impression of all... Sri Lanka... for the limited encounter yesterday and today, people are living a simple, minimal life. 50 of us coming from places all over the world-developed countries - UK, USA, Saudi Arabia, Denmark... (yes I met new friends☺️) wanting to do something different, stepping out of our ‘comfort zone’, ended up joining the Sri Lankan to live their usual life. I find this sarcastically ironic. 無常地走出我們的尋常,去經歷一下別人的日常。Calling it an ‘experience’. Indeed, it is an inner humble experience. Seeing it with your own eyes, willingness to take a lesser/insufficient role when we afford a more than ‘better’ living. The ‘mentality’ speaks it, not requiring to move to a less better place or buy cheaper stuff, nor eat less at restaurant. Our 尋常can remain at norm. Norm, not excessively consuming and wasting... the least can be done.
I am exciting to anticipate more insights this journey will bring about... 在還未跳進另一口井上前,這隻井底蛙要看看這個世界!