gOd’scar Camp – as we ”遇見神”, we start to heal…
2007 is a tough year for Philippians. Our spirit is running low, bottleneck in numbers, spiritual life stuck, SIN and leaders are exhausted.
Of my little faith, I don’t have much expectation to this camp, especially after such a fruitful short term mission in China and discover the sin within our fellowship. My mentality is to get the task done. God surprises me.
The long buried feeling has been dug out after all these… The wound didn’t seem to be completely healed from 4 months ago and the same wound is being stabbed again. The whole body of Christ forgives together, all it takes is some time for the wound to heal. The Lord has mercy on us. The road leads to healing is rough and full of obstacle. We would have back up and U-turn to our original place because of the wild fire up on the mountain. The obstacle didn’t just send us back home, but was able to reroute us to the destination although that detour takes longer and with much curved road. God actually surprises us. Lightening, thundering, raining and sunshine are cycling throughout the 3 day camp. The stormy weather seems to be a bad thing for camp, however it actually keep us together.
The Transformer Bond Fire bind us together and prepared us to dig deep into our heart for some authentic and genuine sharing, disclosing the hurt during small group sharing time. The spirit of healing is among us when we are able to cry together, in front of people and especially to those that bring the hurt. Healing is gradual. The process of sterilizing is there, we feel it because the wound ache. There is much yet to be resolved, may God have mercy on us.
It is great to be part of Philippians, the unity, love, togetherness, faithfulness, submissive spirit and willingness to serve are something that make us different.
Together with a prayerful heart we step into a new era.
看天邊飄過雲海, 告訴世界幻變常在, 從來人在月缺下盼月圓
天天總有上演,告訴你我動人故事, 動人情節留下伏線 細心飾演
如何人心粉碎像微塵 無言留淚 滿身抖震
如何遇見神 被擁抱 再得起身
明明平安彷彿天邊遠 流連遊盪 暗失方寸
然而遇見神 被指引 再生精采心內滲* (Repeat*)
只因有你 今天有你 了不起
由誰來導 演出好戲
人能遇見神 是福氣 最終高飛
從來難數高低多少次 何時成就 那天失意
前途幻變時 路雖遠 有這福氣心內暖
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