Monday, November 23, 2015

We will Remember



今年與一位我很喜愛的牧者致告別,他並未亡故,只是神派他到比我們更需要他的一處僻壤大學城裡的教會開荒牧會。五月那最後一個主日,他講了最後一篇的信息,一邊說一邊感動哽咽,我們聽的也一邊聽一邊說啊門一邊拭去不捨而又揉合了感恩的眼淚。離開前他引用了出埃及記33:15-16節留給教會一句話:「We are unique because God is with us. 」 一位從不把自己放在中心的牧者,他總是把焦點放於耶穌身上。

「Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” 摩西說、你若不親自和我同去、就不要把我們從這裡領上去。人在何事上得以知道我和你的百姓、在你眼前蒙恩呢、豈不是因你與我們同去、使我和你的百姓、與地上的萬民有分別麼。」出33:15-16 

六個月後,昨天的感恩崇拜中,神的同在讓我們不一樣。衪親自和我們同在,我們有缺乏卻不欠缺。有耶穌實在是太好了!昨天服侍流浪者的感恩節早餐時份外感受到。當站在最靠近他們的崗位派飯時,擴音喇叭播放著熟悉敬拜詩歌,”We are here to worship, We are here to bow down We are here to say that You’re my God!” 懂的人也不其然一邊唱,站在我身旁的一位流浪漢用那流在身體裡非洲裔血液的天賦節奏感隨歌起舞冕動身體唱著。心裡一陣感動,耶穌真的很真實,的確認識衪的人雖然貧窮卻是富足、軟弱卻是剛強。

然後昨天敬拜時唱了Give Thanks – Let the weak say I am Strong. Let the poor say I am Rich because of what the Lord has done for us. 

Jesus Thank You… We will Remember… all that You’ve done for us.

We Will Remember 
By Tommy Walker 

We will remember we will remember 
We will remember the works of Your hands 

We will stop and give You praise For great is Thy faithfulness (REPEAT) 

Verse 1 
You're our creator our life sustainer 
Deliverer our comfort our joy 
Throughout the ages You've been our shelter 
Our peace in the midst of the storm 

Verse 2 
With signs and wonders 
You've shown Your power 
With precious blood You showed us Your grace 
You've been our helper our liberator 
The giver of life with no end 

Verse 3 
When we walk through life's darkest valleys 
We will look back at all You have done 
And we will shout our God is good 
And He is the faithful one 

Hallelujah hallelujah To the one from whom all blessings flow 
Hallelujah hallelujah To the one whose glory has been shown 

Verse 4 
I still remember the day You saved me 
The day I heard You call out my name 
You said You loved me and would never leave me 
And I've never been the same