Wednesday, February 21, 2018

BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE - November 18, 2004

This was written 14 years ago when I had a chance to attend Billy Graham's Crusade in LA... I wasn't a blogger then, but start writing my first blog on a notebook to record the moment of the power of the was way beyond the Facebook time, before the Xanga era, it was the most primitive beginning of my writing with ink on paper....

Thank God for Rev. Billy Graham, the greatest evangelist of our time!

November 18, 2004, 8:15pm at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, California, it was a cool of the day… 

This is the first time I visit Rose Bowl and as well the first time attend a Billy Graham Crusade. It is a regret that we missed the worship due to overcrowded shuttle service and long walk from the parking spot to the arena. The air is cold, the heart is warm, my spirit is stir by the music flowing from a distance while approaching the stadium. Thousands of brothers and sisters sing in one voice together in praise.

At the bench, thousands of people stared at the stage, a 3,000 people choir sing in harmony. This is the biggest choir I’ve ever seen. It is the best sound that could have heard, singing ‘Majesty’, glorifying the majestic King who died on the cross for sinners. When the praise concluded, the aged humble servant of God, whose life touches more than 210 millions of others, Rev. Graham, limp with a walker to the podium. His voice is low, but his words are firm. The message is simple; the use of scripture is powerful. You’ve got to admit the power of God’s word is definite. It works through a humble medium, exercise in a human being with a servant heart. Rev. Graham has that charisma of a spiritual image in a meek and firm manner, grasping the attention of 45,000 of people. Just 20-30 minutes of pure gospel message, as God calls for the return of His lost sheep, 2,500 of people match down the stairs in the arena to the front of the stage. The lawn of Rose Bowl is half filled with people committing their lives to the eternal God. It takes almost 10 minutes for all the prodigal sons and daughter to walk down to show their repentance and commitment to their once forsaken Father. It was amazement to my spiritual experience of witnessing such a big flock of conversion. At that very moment, the big screen behind us caught the close up of Rev. Graham, gazing across the sea of returning souls with his kindness face. Is that how the eye of God see through Graham? Counselors are doing their follow-up on the spot with the newly converted. Jesus is there in the breeze around us, just like the day in Eden, in the cool of the day, God is whispering to His sinned children, for repentance and for the enjoyment of His love.

 **On the returning trip to the car, there was an accident. A truck got stuck on the sand slope. Our group of six people with 3 ladies and 3 small sized men are the first to stop in respond to the need. The guys are trying to help by pushing the truck down the slope. More people get themselves involved as they saw the needs, and some are standing there… watching. The truck is big, the men are small. A couple or three hundred horse-power truck needs the power of men with horseless power to get itself out of the trap. Isn’t this ironic?? Twelve, thirteen men trying to grab a hold on a part of the truck and move it side way away from the sand slope. After couple minutes of struggle, they are successful!! People applause!! An idea came to my mind, possibly not many will be Billy Graham, with great power to preach to over 210 millions of people in 185 countries. But to achieve great things for God, we who have horseless power can gather up together in the Lord’s power, can cause movement in our neighborhood. If there’s a need, don’t stand there with your arms crossed, roll up your sleeves and get involved! God use me, if I am of use to You. May this be our prayer.

More thoughts… The Heart of Caleb!

 “So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I ‘m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me this hill country that the LORD promised me that day. “ Joshua 14:11-12 “我還是強壯,像摩西打發我去的那天一樣。無論是爭戰是出入,我的力量那時如何,現在還是如何。求你將耶和華那日應許我的這山地給我,那裡有亞衲族人,並寬大堅固的城,你也曾聽見了。或者耶和華照他所應許的與我同在,我就把他們趕出去。” 

 I sure think that Rev. Graham have a heart like Caleb. Caleb was there 45 years ago when they first at the doorstep of Canaan. It is just the threshold, Israelites away from the land flowing with milk and honey. Caleb and Joshua proclaim good news to claim the land as the Lord has promised. They are reluctant to get the other 10 to see the same vision. They missed the blessing. At the time Caleb is 40 years old, he is brave, courageous, enthusiastic and faithful. After 45 years of wandering in the wilderness, witnessing how his colleagues buried in the wildness and living with the new generation with weak faith and status quo mentality, Caleb’s heart for the Lord hold still. At the age of 85, Caleb dose not give in to physical limitation and human discouragement.

 “So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I ‘m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me this hill country that the LORD promised me that day.“

This reminds me of Rev. Graham. He is as brave, as courageous, enthusiastic and faithful as Caleb. And Rev. Graham served the Lord since 1934 and now at his 85 years old. I am sure this heart of Caleb is as well true to him. This as brought to my thinking that after years of serving the Lord, many got tired and step down. But there are unavoidable battle that needs to be fought for the Lord. The mentality of status quo keeps us away from fighting a beautiful battle. I don’t know what exactly causes Rev. Graham’s calling to Greater Los Angeles for this crusade, wouldn’t it have been seeing the deterioration of moral and spirituality status? May the Lord grant me the heart of Caleb and Rev. Graham.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018



當今年將會是結束十九年的賓主關係的一年時,我心裡還是無比感恩主給了我這份工作。這一份工作是神給我的.. 當年去了大學生的退修會,我的導師也是我的師傅,挑戰我們奉獻一年作福音同工。她發出的挑戰:大學畢業後我們會將一日最精神的八個小時奉獻給地上的老闆,然後把最疲累的時間給主。你們有可想過把畢業後最好的時間獻給主?把最精神的時間留給主? 那年,在罪的折騰裡回轉,一心感到對不住主,就做了這個決定。那幾個月的時間學了很多,最寶貴的是可以每天聆聽牧師的靈修分享,近距離學他們事奉主的生活。我那麼敬愛張牧師,更是那些日子越看清楚他柔軟慈愛為父的心腸。話說回來,福音同工的訓練完成,真要出去找一份工作,我跟神說給我一份工作,我甚麼都不懂。然後,我只見過一次工就被取錄,一直到現在。一直在這家小公司當一個很小而又不能缺的小職員,十九年過去,我們一家一家公司的賣掉,直至上年八月把最後製造子彈的子公司也賣了,這一年為我們的結束年。老闆老了,我也感到無限感恩可以在這裡開了眼界,用最不趕人的時間學了由零開始的工序,更學了是如何賣掉一間公司,如何結束一家公司,而這不是每一份工作也可以賺取的工作經驗。雖然這兩年在新上司的管轄下不很好過,但我也感恩,因為我深信神在準備我再在另一個地方工作,與不同性格的人同工。
