Monday, December 17, 2007


We just want to Thank YOU, for the works that HE has done...

Yes, it was a blast last night!!!

Thanks Bonnie for your serving, faithful and thoughtful. You are very precise on every details, thank you!

Phillip: sorry that we didn't get to play all the games that you prepared. I am sure those game idea will get to play in fellowship in the near future, please keep the thought in mind.

Thomas: Thanks for taking care of the equipment and transporting them with your guys' team. Please help and find out where we can develop the photos and pass back to our guests. Thank you.

Michael: hehe.. good partnership doing MC first time. Sorry for the rush schedule.... for the credit that was put on your credit card, please feel free to make it your own offering to Jesus... (haha... )Thanks for everything, getting the gift card and many more... =)

CinCin: Thanks for being there, taking care of those behind the scene... the seating, point counting and stuff...

Adam: Nice preformance last night... we really thought that you would.... hohoho... thanks for your faithful service in worship team... you made it, lo lake in 2008!

Silvia: Thanks for leading worship last night as you also lead sunday worship too, I am sure you are very tired. Thanks for your effort and faithfulness.

Rebecca: Thanks for always lending your helping hands to worship team, although you are not officially on the team, every bit your effort and spirit count!

Ben, Stanley, Eddie, Eric and Lemon: Thanks guys for the lighting, PPT, helping out with the decoration and transporting the equipment. Your work might not be seen on stage, but it won't happen as nicely without your behind the scene work. Thanks!

Icy: Just want to say Thank you again for preparing the gifts, it surely not an easy task to prepare 30 gifts altogether. Thanks for shopping and wrapping them, especially thanks for putting in the thought to think ahead of time for this service! Thanks!

Meipo and Maurice: Thank Pastor Maurice to put down his 'image' to participate in F4. Your involvement becomes the highlight of the event. Especially thanks to Meipo and Kaylee to support Maurice for everything!

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Fok: thanks for videoing tape the "Philippians One Ding"!!!

SGLs: last but not least... without you and your great effort to invite new comers and friends, we won't have much fun. Please keep contact with the new comers as we will "outreach" in 2008!!!

Let me echo Pastor Maurice, Philippians have a strong and united team, it is a blessing from God. Let this advantage become our tool to serve Him more in 2008 and OUTREACH to the un-church.

To God be the glory!

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