Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane – Kate DiCamillo

More about The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane 

看完「來自星星的你」身邊有人以極速重看第二次又或追看金秀賢其他的劇集,也有朋友在ebay買下千頌伊的髮箍和耳環,而我就在Amazaon用$5.31買了這本「The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane 」(愛德華的奇妙之旅程)。

把此書放在都敏俊手裡的編劇,應該看中了書中的陶瓷白兔愛德華和都教授的共同點,就是尋找旅程中的意義:"If you have no intention of loving or being loved, then the whole journey is pointless."




‘how can a story end happily if there is no love?’ – p. 33 

How many times, Edward wondered, would he have to leave without getting the chance to say goodbye? – p. 110 

“Open your heart. Someone will come. Someone will come for you. But first you must open your heart.” 

“Once there was a princess who was very beautiful. She shone bright as the stars on a moonless night. But what difference did it make that she was beautiful? None. No difference." 
Why did it make no difference?" asked Abilene. Because," said Pellegrina, "She was a princess who loved no one and cared nothing for love, even though there were many who loved her.” 

“You must be filled with expectancy. You must be awash in hope. You must wonder who will love you, whom you will love next.” 

“Edward knew what it was like to say over and over again the names of those you had left behind. He knew what it was like to miss someone. And so he listened. And in his listening, his heart opened wide and then wider still. p. 103” 

“Look at me, he said to her. His arms and legs jerked. Look at me. You got your wish. I have learned how to love. And it’s a terrible thing. I’m broken. My heart is broken. Help me. The old woman turned and hobbled away. Come back, thought Edward. Fix me” 

“I have been loved, Edward told the stars. So? said the stars. What difference does that make when you are all alone now?” 

“It is a horrible, terrible thing, the worst thing, to watch somebody you love die right in front of you and not be able to do nothing about it.”

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