Thursday, November 6, 2008

Losing a Battle; Winning the War

Obama won the presidency.
Prop 8 has passed by a margin of 5%.
Prop 4 didn’t get passed by a margin of 5%.

Tuesday night was a critical moment. We sat in the front of the TV, listening to Obama victory speech. Together with some broadcast reporters, a lot of people cheer for the new president with his First family-to-be. I doubted what kind of ‘change’ it going to be. Prayer goes to the new president for a ‘change’ of better moral and purer faith.

Wednesday morning. Those who care are alert. 99% got count, 52% for Prop 8 and none of the media is willing to call it an end. None were giving up calling it a failure because there is still 1% of the residual absentee ballots to be counted. Opponents of Prop 8 spent $74 million, it is the most costly social-issues campaign in history. We won. Not by might, nor power, but by the spirit of God. Lawsuits have been filed by Prop 8’s opponents. More battles are to be fought by us Christian soldiers. In 2004, Proposition 22 is won by a bigger margin of 23%. In 2008, the margin dropped to a 5%. The number speaks. How we Christian today should prepare to fight another battle in the near future?

The Lord of hosts will lead us into victory.

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