Thursday, January 3, 2019

井底蛙看世界 - 行之無「道」

1/3/2019 - Sri Lanka Day 4


Sri Lanka is mainly a vegetarian country.  We arrived on 12/31, for the past 4 days, only once we had meat in our meal. The ‘cooking mama’ at our accommodation cook us Sri Lankan food everyday. Spice is an unavoidable ingredients in Sri Lankan cooking. Our program leader, who is also our language teacher, tour guide, driver as well as cooking teacher. We spent the morning at the house to cook Sri Lankan food using different spices and that will be our lunch. It will be interesting to bring Sri Lankan cooking back to the states.  

Interestingly, the program arranged us to attend a Buddhism lesson host by a monk and a mediation afterward.  First time in my life listening to Buddhism teaching in English.  The monk is saying basic things like love, compassion, forgive and self control, nothing conflict my faith, she (I think the monk is a she with the bald head) even praised Jesus Christ as one of the selfless human being that reached a high level Buddha state of mind, yet, Buddhism never address the secured solution to save this life. 

Insight of the day... Buddha believe in Sri Lanka is not just worshipping a statue, surprisingly it’s a teaching of how to live in this chaotic world in peace and reduce disturbances in life by training the mind and body to desire less, so their next life may be able to ‘born into a better person’.  Christianity is more than that, addressing the original source of pain - sin, initiation of the salvation, practical example of a perfect man and the ultimate reachable home for all who believe. Yet, the disciplinary living and desire to pursuit  solely of their believe is what we lack.

Knowing my own faith and being able to grasp it securely is blessed. However, taking advantage of grace and lI’ve a segregated life is a curse.  Jesus, mercy me. 

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