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From 木子羽卒十分十 |
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
For I know Jesus reigns forevermore, my Savior and my King.
When I’m lost in the deep valley, He leads me back to His way
For I know Jesus lives forevermore, my Savior and my King.
When I’m alone in wilderness, His light shines upon my path.
For I know my Redeemer lives forever. My heart will not forget
He fills my every day and night with abundance of His life.
For I know my Redeemer lives forever. My heart will never fear
And on that day when that trumpet sounds, with my eyes I will see His face.
我的救赎者活着.mp3 -
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Fearful Tears turn to Joyful Tears
February 23 of 2009 is quite a tough day. Not that the Dow slides 200 some points and reached the lowest ever since who knows when. Suffocating news broke out one after another. First was an employee of our company who has been working with the company for years died of cancer at a young age. I met her once at office but talked with her on the phone numerous times. The atmosphere in office soaked in a dead silence. Then was my parents’ friend at church whose life is on the edge because of cancer, suffering from radical weight lost and unconsciousness. Life is fragile. I hold my breath and suck in my tears. A dear friend might possibly of leaving us involuntarily. Yet, another one texted me of being unemployed months after graduation, while another being laid off on the same day. It is no doubt that life is tougher than ever. Economic recession, health issue, unemployment threats, mental pressure… how shall we then live? And how we shall then cope with a world that is so different from that we used to live in? My tears can suck back no more while sharing with a dear brother of how things were and what lies in the future. Fear, endless fear. I then speak to the Lord of the gigantic restless monster within me with more tears coming down my cheeks. After we talked, I fell into deep slumber.
This morning, the Lord sent good news from afar. An unexpected letter received from a long disconnected source which was once a reliable spiritual support. Her diary of mission work in China brought to me a vision away from present. Worries, restlessness, uncertainties, distrust, fear and stress are nothing in comparable to the Lord’s ministry. An email from the same friend, who is seeking for an employment, is actively sending out resumes and setting up interviews to keep her career dream alive. Tears gathered up in my eyes at the threshold of spilling. God is working in life of those who live in Mainland China who have a heart to seek the truth of life. He is also working in the heart of who has been beaten up so badly in serving and now still sees hope for career. He must also be working in those lives that are so miserable of what lies in the future. Life is tough but God is good! The Lord who provides us daily bread will give us the exact amount of strength we need to live through the day. Amen.
“It is wonderful that, in spite of Israel’s seemingly inveterate backsliding, Yahweh remained faithful to his covenant. “– Through the Bible Through the Year
Friday, February 20, 2009
就像是你的笑臉 別讓它蒸發在六點
在秋天飄下了落葉 再多說也盡是無言
我體會愛情的美 在有生之年不後悔
沒有絕對也沒有完美 愛就像一陣風來去又回
我體會愛情的累 在有生之年夢最美
不想理會多餘的點綴 就讓愛還能有各自單飛的機會
就像是你的笑臉 別讓它蒸發在六點
在秋天飄下了落葉 再多說也盡是無言
我體會愛情的美 在有生之年不後悔
沒有絕對也沒有完美 愛就像一陣風來去又回
我體會愛情的累 在有生之年夢最美
不想理會多餘的點綴 就讓愛還能有各自單飛的機會
誰都有後路可退 給堅強一個機會
我體會愛情的美 在有生之年不後悔
沒有絕對也沒有完美 愛就像一陣風來去又回
我體會愛情的累 在有生之年夢最美
不想理會多餘的點綴 就讓愛還能有各自單飛的機會
不想理會多餘的點綴 就讓愛還能有各自單飛的機會
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Flower in The Rain
at times, God just let us be as vulnerable as we can and we… just abandoned ourselves in the wild, let the nature speaks and the voice from the very bottom of our heart cries… till the brokenness from the most inner part surrender… discharging of the captive… for the longing of intimacy and love…
You are the one, there’s no one else
Who lifts me up and gives me water from the well.
But there’s a hole that seems to drain it all away.
And once again I’m left in fear and doubt
When all my strength is crying out.
So, here I am again
Willing to be opened up and broken like a flower in the rain.
Tell me what have I to do to die and then be raised,
To reach beyond the pain like a flower in the rain?
The evil wind, it blows a storm to rock my world
Just when think I’m safe and warm.
I’m led astray far too easily.
It’s always hard for me to say I’m wrong,
Until I know I can’t go on.
So, here I am again
Willing to be opened up and broken like a flower in the rain.
Tell me what have I to do to die and then be raised,
To reach beyond the pain like a flower in the rain?
Lord, you have searched me and know
When I sleep and when I rise.
You’re familiar with all my ways.
Even the darkness will shine
Like the day when you look into my heart.
So, here I am again
Willing to be opened up and broken like a flower in the rain.
Tell me what have I to do to die and then be raised,
To reach beyond the pain like a flower in the rain,
Like a flower in the rain?
Flower In The Rain - Jaci Velasquez
Friday, February 6, 2009
那天在書店裡見到一本書,眼睛給它的紅色吸引著視線(紅色又加上詭異的字體),是一本有關殯儀行業的書。內心輾轉的猶疑著要不要買,始終這個題目似乎不太吉祥,又怕它賣弄詭異,但基於好奇和作者的名字和「昨夜長風」的作者名字相似,就買下了。晚上回到家裡,洗過澡又安排好一切睡前的事宜,坐在書桌前,深呼吸一口氣,揭開一看就停不了。不出一天就看完了整本書,詭異就沒有,卻多了對從事這行服務的人多了幾分尊重和敬佩。電視、電影都把幹這行業的人都描寫得很陰沉、沒希望和常碰到鬼怪的事。事實是,他們卻很開朗、很尊重生命,亦因看到太多哭得死去活來的親人而很積極地生活和愛惜身邊的人。一般電視、電影都因要營造沉重陰森氣氛而誇張其事。最為安慰的是作者加插在大口環區居住的基督教墳場的居民,他們不單沒有古怪行徑也沒發生怪事連篇,是他們深信埋葬在那裡的基督徒死後不會化作鬼魂到處嚇人。對於死亡,人多少也有幾分忌諱,因為不知死後何去何從。永恆的概念深植在人心中,信主的人已知何去何從,因此也不怕住在嶙峋的墓園旁。似乎越接近死亡的人越知道怎去活,這教還在生的人要天天思考如何生活 “To live like there’s no tomorrow!”。這也讓我想起聖經中保羅的一段話:
身上常帶著耶穌的死,使耶穌的生,也顯明在我們身上。因為我們這活著的人,是常為耶穌被交於死地,使耶穌的生,在我們這必死的身上顯明出來。這樣看來,死是在我們身上發動,生卻在你們身上發動。-- 哥林多後書4:10-12
Tuesday, February 3, 2009