Today is the Lord's Day. Thank God that we have experienced Him. Yesterday we have a tough and long day. There's a fire on the mountain, seventy some of us are driving up the mountain where the police officer make us U-turn because the road is closed. The situation is frustrating, my car is stuck in the middle of the mountain, can't go forward and don't want to go back. Information hasn't be released from the fire department whether the mountain needs to be evalucated because of the severe situation, or keep moving forward by taking another route to the campsite by faith. Iris and I stopped our car, make several phone calls to let brothers and sisters who are on the way to stop at the mountain feet, we then PRAY and calling everybody to pray for the situation. Thank God that it is safe for us to go to the camp and the host found another route that goes around the fire spot to our destination. Thank God that there is a device on earth called 'Cell Phone', cell phone has not been comes in so handy as of this time. Finally our schedule has postponded for 3 hours, at 5PM I was able to arrive the camp site after 7 hours of driving and waiting, and most of the people arrived by dinner time. The experience is frustrated yet inspiring... at night Frances gave a very good statement that what we have been experiencing is the result of our prayer. Yes, we actually pray that we can experience God. We often make an assumption that experiencing God is that everything will go smoothly and according to our plan, however God is doing new things to us. We all experience God in one way or another. Although we ended the day with an exhausted body, we actually are very joyful at the opening worship, watching movie and listening to Pastor Maurice sharing. Glory to God. May Philppians turn to a new chapter of our spiritual walk together!
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