偶然在一個香港的網誌上看到一個非常特別的旅遊推介 - 「城市尋異域 - 墳場遊蹤」。簡介如下:
• 位於跑馬地的古老墳場群是香港城市空間的異域,也是一個「聯合國」鬼域,同時亦是一個戶外的香港歷史博物館。
• 此處是開埠至今信仰多個不同宗教的香港人或香港過客的最後歸宿
• 這裡是被遺忘了的香港珍貴文化遺產
• 離鬧市只有一箭之地的墳場是現代城市的邊緣地﹑社會的最後禁忌
• 先人安息的地方旁邊為何會有快活谷馬場﹖
• 帶你去探討這個城市異域所隱藏的宗教文化和殖民地歷史
集合﹕灣仔麗都酒店Cosmopolitan Hotel(舊新華社)門口
主辦﹕Humanity Republic Association (社團註冊編號:CP/LIC/SO/19/37029)
領隊﹕鄒頌華 (Lonely Planet Hong Kong & Macau作者)、 吳泳攀 Walter (生態講解員)、梁樂茵 Venus (人文旅遊愛好者)
1430 ﹕簡介考察目的﹑路線和守則
1440 ﹕回教墳場﹐為何伊斯蘭教鼓勵人們去遊墳場﹖認識信仰後世的伊斯蘭生死觀
1505 ﹕永生之路-天主教聖彌額爾墳場﹐訪林黛安息地﹐解構不同墓碑的象征意義
1535 ﹕紅毛墳場﹐真實的殖民地歷史見證﹐日僑墓地與基督教墳場的告終﹐尋洪門烈士無字墓翻香港抗清歷史秘聞
1610 ﹕花香襲人的波斯墳場﹐巴士國與伊朗的關係﹐波斯拜火教徒為何從印度來香港﹖
1635 ﹕猶太墳場﹐猶太商人從廣州來﹖二戰時猶太人在中國/香港
1700 ﹕考察完成﹐總結和討論﹐跑馬地電車站解散
1) 有興趣參加是次活動的朋友,可電郵至humanityrepublic@gmail.com報名,留下姓名﹑參加人數﹑聯絡電郵和電話。本會回覆確認後﹐費用九十元可隨後存入本會恒生銀行戶口 258-358134-001,並將收據或入數證明單電郵給本會作實,請注明姓名和聯絡電話。
2) 電話留座,當日付款,但在額滿即止情況下,名額會先給予已付款的參加者。
註﹕ 費用已包括十萬元平安保險。報名手續一經辦妥,如非因不可抗力因素﹐恕不退款。
墳場似乎是一個禁地,一個很大吉利是的地方。但在我所住過的地方都有墳場在附近。小時候總覺得墳場是一個很可怕的地方,現在長大了又信了主,這杯黃土只是軀體的終站。我是很喜歡到墳場安靜和退修的,環境固然是寧靜。每一塊墓石之上敘述它六尺之下長眠於地的人,在其上能看到後人對前人的一個總結。一句說話真的能總結人生嗎?友人說我的寫作總是長編大論(現實裡我卻是很精簡的),或許,我需找來長氣的人為我寫下不朽的文章終結一生。我的碑石要大一點,字體要最小的(就font size 5 吧!呵呵!)。或許小得看不到,但只需用心必能摸得到。是的,死亡總教人重新與鄭重的看人生,一刻也不應浪擲。
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The 4th Year...
The genuine spiritual impact and fond memories are undying. In this 4th anniversary of Rev. Cheung's departure, I still hold dear in my heart of his teaching, caring and spiritual inspiration. Thank You Jesus for Rev. Cheung.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Consolation這個字在差不多兩年前學到的,是Dr. John Coe講靈命塑造中的一課。配合這兩個牧師的揣釋,這經文變得更豐富。個人生命中與主同走每一段風高路斜或平靜安逸的路,在每一階段中嘗盡主豐富的安慰。也藉此來自主的安慰,溢散著同等的安慰和愛心與有需要的人同走某一段。
Consolation這個字在差不多兩年前學到的,是Dr. John Coe講靈命塑造中的一課。配合這兩個牧師的揣釋,這經文變得更豐富。個人生命中與主同走每一段風高路斜或平靜安逸的路,在每一階段中嘗盡主豐富的安慰。也藉此來自主的安慰,溢散著同等的安慰和愛心與有需要的人同走某一段。
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
This vs. That
Now it happened as they went there He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me."
And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things, But ONE thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:39-42
My relationship with Jesus is often like the story of these two sisters.
left me to serve alone?
At times, the feeling is quite like Martha, keep thinking.. "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?" I always have such thought, where are everybody? Aren’t they supposed to serve like me? It is so easy to pick on who is not doing what and who's doing it incorrectly. God spoke through this passage… We don't need police at church, catching other's mistake and be self-righteous. This kind of mentality is deadly.
worried and troubled about many things.
There’re too much on the plate!!! What a common phenomenon we Christians are serving in multiple tasks. We worried and troubled about many things. Ministerial scope is dilated but not focus. A multiple ministerial server requires a concentrated heart to focus on prayer and let go of control and manipulation.
Sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word
Often times, sitting down becomes a luxury activity. Sitting down seems symbolizing ineffective, inefficient and unproductive. It might be so if the sitting session is without a purpose. Sitting down at Jesus’ feet and hear His word means the whole world to us. Our presence at His feet is our greatest reliance. His word is our great comfort and wisdom to our life. His words give life.
Reflection that we ought to ask ourselves to our relationship with God while busily serving…
Is the “left me to serve alone?” question often asked in me?
Am I worried and troubled about many things?
Am I spending much time at Jesus’ feet and hear His word?
What is the ONE thing that I need that will not be taken away which worth my total attention now?
And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things, But ONE thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:39-42
My relationship with Jesus is often like the story of these two sisters.
left me to serve alone?
At times, the feeling is quite like Martha, keep thinking.. "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?" I always have such thought, where are everybody? Aren’t they supposed to serve like me? It is so easy to pick on who is not doing what and who's doing it incorrectly. God spoke through this passage… We don't need police at church, catching other's mistake and be self-righteous. This kind of mentality is deadly.
worried and troubled about many things.
There’re too much on the plate!!! What a common phenomenon we Christians are serving in multiple tasks. We worried and troubled about many things. Ministerial scope is dilated but not focus. A multiple ministerial server requires a concentrated heart to focus on prayer and let go of control and manipulation.
Sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word
Often times, sitting down becomes a luxury activity. Sitting down seems symbolizing ineffective, inefficient and unproductive. It might be so if the sitting session is without a purpose. Sitting down at Jesus’ feet and hear His word means the whole world to us. Our presence at His feet is our greatest reliance. His word is our great comfort and wisdom to our life. His words give life.
Reflection that we ought to ask ourselves to our relationship with God while busily serving…
Is the “left me to serve alone?” question often asked in me?
Am I worried and troubled about many things?
Am I spending much time at Jesus’ feet and hear His word?
What is the ONE thing that I need that will not be taken away which worth my total attention now?
Friday, February 15, 2008
There are things as we travel this earth’s shifting sand
That transcend all the reason of man;
But the things that matter the most in this world,
They can never be held in our hand.
I believe in a hill called Mount Calvary–
I’ll believe whatever the cost;
And when time has surrendered and earth is no more,
I’ll still cling to that old rugged cross.
I believe that the Christ who was slain on that cross
Has the power to change lives today;
For He changed me completely, a new life is mine,
That is why by the cross I will stay.
I believe that this life with its great mysteries
Surely some day will come to an end;
But faith will conquer the darkness and death,
and will lead me at last to my friend.
今早跟在港的幼稚園同學聊天,有一個發現… 就是:越在乎就越脆弱。
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Even on the most minor thing…
Book-aholic like me can’t survive without reading daily. The use of bookmark is very common. Last year, I brought all my bookmarks to China and gave out to the teachers. I survived my reading life without bookmark by using all kinds of different book marking tools, post-it, movie tickets, pen, $$ (yes, a dollar bill, so if you borrow book from me, please don’t’ take the money if you find one.), hair band…etc whatever that can slip between the pages. Thank God that Pastor Tam has prepared us ‘red pocket’ for Chinese New Year, I received two (one during prayer meeting in the morning and the other during fellowship as there are residual after the morning distribution.) I got two new bookmarks!! Yesterday, I was cleaning up my room, sorting through the miscellaneous items, found brand new bookmarks! It’s not a big miraculous amazing thing but surely God’s care is so considerate and so tender that He cares even on the most minor thing. Lovely.
A good problem to solve...
As 2008 started for a little more than a month, it is time to put practical plan and thought of whether I should go for a short term mission this year. The experience last year was great and hoping to be involved in missions again. This year... need to plan to apply for some legal documents for a more convenience access for traveling into China. The application process will be complicated as it requires another legal document from Macau before applying for the 'China Returning Card'. I have 'phobia' in legal documents application in Macau. This applicational process is a must, in order for future access for mission works in China. I know now is the time to plan to encounter such 'phobia'. Time matters... applying for Macau ID Card, 'China Returning Card' and missions will happen all together this year... only in His plan... please pray...
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
“In the Name of Jesus” by Henri J.M. Nouwen
This is the first time reading a Nouwen book. I read a few of his devotion books in the past, didn’t really like it much may be because it is Chinese translated, the essence of the writing lost through the translation.
Rev. Ma references this book of Nouwen in his class. Out of my curiosity and ‘read-aholic’ addiction, I ordered this and a few other books of his, plus one book from my long time favorite author, Nicole Johnson. Once I picked up “In the Name of Jesus”, I can’t stop but finished it in a day, even I have 3 other assigned books to be read to fulfill my ministry and course obligation.
Here are some excerpts from the books which draw to me new perspectives on leadership, Christian service and spirituality…
From Relevance to Prayer --
“… Christian leader of the future is called to be completely irrelevant and to stand in this world with nothing to offer but his or her own vulnerable self.”
“… The leaders of the future will be those who dare to claim their irrelevance in the contemporary world as a divine vocation that allows them to enter into a deep solidarity with the anguish underlying all the glitter of success, and to bring the light of Jesus there.”
“A mystic is a person whose identity is deeply rooted in God’s first love… it is the discipline of dwelling in the presence of the One who keeps asking us, “Do you love me? Do you love me? Do you love me?” This is the discipline of contemplative prayer.”
From Popularity to Ministry –
“… He wants Peter to feed his sheep and care for the, not as “professionals” who know their client’s problems and take care of the, but as vulnerable brothers and sisters who know and are known, who forgive and are being forgiven, who love and are being loved.”
“Laying down your life means making your own faith and doubt, hope and despair, joy and sadness, courage and fear available to others as ways of getting to touch with the Lord of life.”
and this is my favorite one…
“The mystery of ministry is that we have been chosen to make our own limited and very conditional love the gateway for the unlimited and unconditional love of God.”
From Leading to Being Led --
“… getting in touch with the mystery of leadership for a large part, means to be led.”
“What makes the temptation of power so seemingly irresistible? May be it is that power offers an easy substitute for the hard task of love. It seems easier to be God than to love God, easier to control people than to love people, easier to own life than to love life.”
“The world says, “when you were young you were dependent and could not go where you wanted, but when you grow old you will be able to make your own decisions, go your own way, and control your own destiny.” But Jesus has a different vision of maturity: It is the ability and willingness to be led where you would rather not go.” (In light of the passage where Jesus said to Peter, “when you were young you put on your belt and walked where you liked; but when you grow old you will stretch out your hands and somebody else will put a belt around you and take you where you would rather not go.” John21:18)
“Powerlessness and humility in the spiritual life do not refer to people who have no spine and who let everyone else make decisions for them. They refer to people who are so deeply in love with Jesus that they are ready to follow him wherever he guides them, always trusting that, with him, they will find life and find it abundantly.”
“… since God’s presence is often a hidden presence, a presence that needs to be discovered. The loud, boisterous noises of the world make us deaf to the soft, gentle, and loving voice of God. A Christian leader is called to help people to hear that voice and so be comforted and consoled.”
Rev. Ma references this book of Nouwen in his class. Out of my curiosity and ‘read-aholic’ addiction, I ordered this and a few other books of his, plus one book from my long time favorite author, Nicole Johnson. Once I picked up “In the Name of Jesus”, I can’t stop but finished it in a day, even I have 3 other assigned books to be read to fulfill my ministry and course obligation.
Here are some excerpts from the books which draw to me new perspectives on leadership, Christian service and spirituality…
From Relevance to Prayer --
“… Christian leader of the future is called to be completely irrelevant and to stand in this world with nothing to offer but his or her own vulnerable self.”
“… The leaders of the future will be those who dare to claim their irrelevance in the contemporary world as a divine vocation that allows them to enter into a deep solidarity with the anguish underlying all the glitter of success, and to bring the light of Jesus there.”
“A mystic is a person whose identity is deeply rooted in God’s first love… it is the discipline of dwelling in the presence of the One who keeps asking us, “Do you love me? Do you love me? Do you love me?” This is the discipline of contemplative prayer.”
From Popularity to Ministry –
“… He wants Peter to feed his sheep and care for the, not as “professionals” who know their client’s problems and take care of the, but as vulnerable brothers and sisters who know and are known, who forgive and are being forgiven, who love and are being loved.”
“Laying down your life means making your own faith and doubt, hope and despair, joy and sadness, courage and fear available to others as ways of getting to touch with the Lord of life.”
and this is my favorite one…
“The mystery of ministry is that we have been chosen to make our own limited and very conditional love the gateway for the unlimited and unconditional love of God.”
From Leading to Being Led --
“… getting in touch with the mystery of leadership for a large part, means to be led.”
“What makes the temptation of power so seemingly irresistible? May be it is that power offers an easy substitute for the hard task of love. It seems easier to be God than to love God, easier to control people than to love people, easier to own life than to love life.”
“The world says, “when you were young you were dependent and could not go where you wanted, but when you grow old you will be able to make your own decisions, go your own way, and control your own destiny.” But Jesus has a different vision of maturity: It is the ability and willingness to be led where you would rather not go.” (In light of the passage where Jesus said to Peter, “when you were young you put on your belt and walked where you liked; but when you grow old you will stretch out your hands and somebody else will put a belt around you and take you where you would rather not go.” John21:18)
“Powerlessness and humility in the spiritual life do not refer to people who have no spine and who let everyone else make decisions for them. They refer to people who are so deeply in love with Jesus that they are ready to follow him wherever he guides them, always trusting that, with him, they will find life and find it abundantly.”
“… since God’s presence is often a hidden presence, a presence that needs to be discovered. The loud, boisterous noises of the world make us deaf to the soft, gentle, and loving voice of God. A Christian leader is called to help people to hear that voice and so be comforted and consoled.”
Monday, February 4, 2008
He said: "I Love You!"
It's a long day today, but it is really nice to hear him say, "I Love You" to wrap up the day. As I got home from the exhausted day, he ran up to me giving me a big hug with his little hands... so sweet... your heart just melt... that's the exact word we all need at "home". I love you too, baby. 

Sunday, February 3, 2008
God on High...
God on High...
From "Les Miserables"
Music by Claude-Michel Schoenberg
Lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer and Alain Boublil
God on high
Hear my prayer
In my need
You have always been there
He is young
He's afraid
Let him rest
Heaven blessed.
Bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home.
He's like the son I might have known
If God had granted me a son.
The summers die
One by one
How soon they fly
On and on
And I am old
And will be gone.
Bring him peace
Bring him joy
He is young
He is only a boy.
You can take
You can give
Let him be
Let him live.
If I die, let me die
Let him live, bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home.
From "Les Miserables"
Music by Claude-Michel Schoenberg
Lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer and Alain Boublil
God on high
Hear my prayer
In my need
You have always been there
He is young
He's afraid
Let him rest
Heaven blessed.
Bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home.
He's like the son I might have known
If God had granted me a son.
The summers die
One by one
How soon they fly
On and on
And I am old
And will be gone.
Bring him peace
Bring him joy
He is young
He is only a boy.
You can take
You can give
Let him be
Let him live.
If I die, let me die
Let him live, bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home.
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