Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Even on the most minor thing…

Book-aholic like me can’t survive without reading daily. The use of bookmark is very common. Last year, I brought all my bookmarks to China and gave out to the teachers. I survived my reading life without bookmark by using all kinds of different book marking tools, post-it, movie tickets, pen, $$ (yes, a dollar bill, so if you borrow book from me, please don’t’ take the money if you find one.), hair band…etc whatever that can slip between the pages. Thank God that Pastor Tam has prepared us ‘red pocket’ for Chinese New Year, I received two (one during prayer meeting in the morning and the other during fellowship as there are residual after the morning distribution.) I got two new bookmarks!! Yesterday, I was cleaning up my room, sorting through the miscellaneous items, found brand new bookmarks! It’s not a big miraculous amazing thing but surely God’s care is so considerate and so tender that He cares even on the most minor thing. Lovely.

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