Saturday, October 6, 2007

Lecture III - The Heart of Christian Spirituality: Falling for God (Gary W. Moon)

Religion vs. Righteousness -
Religion is whatever you and I do in order to get God to love us more than we think He wants to.
Righteousness is understood in the OT as a very different term. The chief end of man, is to serve God and enjoy Him Forever.

The 3 C's of Lasting Love -
1. Taking time for Conversation
2. Becoming honest enough for true Communion
3. Thristing God desire for Consummation

Practicing the Presence of God - require much desperation

Hearing God: staying close, discerning the sound of God's voice require and overall approach to live in which I organize my day around staying close to Him.

In mood for God: conversation, development a conversational relationship.

Honesty that leads to Communion - willingness vs. willfulness, overcoming fears and idols and accepting our personal cross.

Experiencing Union - Forgiveness to Reconciliation to Union with God through Christ.

Paul only quote Jesus 3 times, how can that be?? however, there are 64 times mentioning he is living in Christ, interested in Christ in us and actualizing in Christ.

Primary Goals - Dearly love and delight in the heavenly Father (unable to jot down complete notes)

Secondary Goals - these indeed are great goals, but not primary goal.

1. Profession of perfectly correct doctrine
2. Seeking for special experiences
3. Faithfulness to church
4. External conformity
5. Social relationship and responsiblity

The 3rd key problem -
Focusing man on training than TRANSFORMATION: we can train people to like something, but only Jesus transform people inside out.

VIM model for change -
re-Vision: trinity, aspect of savior
Intention: intentional about change, willing to embrace, comes from desperation of pain.
Means: spiritual disciplines transformations.

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