來了南卡州幾天,沒有太多可以安靜的時間。這兩天都在遊覽,哥哥嫂嫂爸爸媽媽都十分熱情的要帶我去北卡州的Biltmore Estate看一看,真的盛情難卻。的確是個很有遊覽價值的地方。在行車途中都是山草樹木,雖然都枯乾得只有枯枝,只是一片一望無際退色了的荒原林木。嫂嫂說幾個月前這一片的楬色卻是一片紅黃橙秋色,十分美麗,雖然沒有看見,但能想像得到會是一幅多麼漂亮的景色。這一切都在冬天安睡,為的是要休養生息在生命從臨的春天再展絇麗。這樣的循環定律是天父安放在造物之中的密碼。
Friday, December 28, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
經過差不多九小時多的行程,聖誕節的早上終抵達北卡州的機場。一向相當瞓得的我,也一如平日的一上機就瞓到不醒人事,依稀記得是一個墨西哥裔男子,提著一個電子琴坐在我旁,他面帶笑容非常有禮貌,十分眼瞓的我只可回一個友善的笑容就睡著了。差不多臨落機的十五分鐘前坐在我隔離位的先生在一張紙巾上寫了三句墨西哥話。第一句是「耶穌愛你」、第二句是「我愛你」、第三句是「It’s better to be poor than a liar」。放在紙巾旁還有一本西班牙話的聖經。他看到我睡醒不禁問我從那裡來要往那裡去,簡單幾句的交談之後知道他在聖誕節要回到闊別十五年的家鄉,這是他給他母親的聖誕禮物。然後他拿起他的聖經翻到申命記第二十八章,他說有機會的一定要看這章聖經。大家都用了短短十多分鐘的時間分享信仰,他要把福音帶到家鄉Guatemala的人民,這是給主耶穌最好的聖誕節禮物。
Friday, December 21, 2007
很久以前預備主日學時在聖經中看到新的發現 ,當時的興奮記憶猶新。是的,神在聖經中放置的一言一話都有衪獨特的意思,沒有多餘,也沒有缺欠。趁這個假期真的要好好讀經,在聖經中掘金。
舊約中的「小」人物 ─ 亞希多弗
撒下 15:12-34; 16:15-23; 17:1-34; 代上 27:33-34
1. 名字解作 – 愚蠢的弟兄
2. 大衛的謀士 (撒下15:12; 代上27:33)
3. 基羅人 (基羅是位於希伯崙東北山區的小城)
亞希多弗的出場 (撒下15:12-34)
1. 背景: 押沙龍在希伯崙自稱為王,私自獻祭,亞希多弗是起勢做反的叛黨之一
2. 亞希多弗不是一個真正信神的人
a. 參與在押沙龍不合乎神心意的獻祭
b. 背叛神膏立的君王,倒戈相向
c. 不合神真理的計謀
亞希多弗獻押沙龍的兩個計謀 (撒下16:15-23; 17:1-14)
1. 羞辱大衛,與大衛的妃嬪在日光之下親熱 (v. 20-22)
a. 應驗先知拿單的預言 (撒下12:11)
b. 一雪平頂上的恥辱 – 撒下11:3 vs. 撒下16:22
人物關係 – 撒下11:3; 23:34b
2. 亞希多弗之計 (v. 1-4)
1. 不肯寬恕
2. 自我中心,以為自己是神 (撒下16:23)
3. 耶和華定意破壞亞希多弗的良謀 (撒下17:14b)
舊約中的「小」人物 ─ 亞希多弗
撒下 15:12-34; 16:15-23; 17:1-34; 代上 27:33-34
1. 名字解作 – 愚蠢的弟兄
2. 大衛的謀士 (撒下15:12; 代上27:33)
3. 基羅人 (基羅是位於希伯崙東北山區的小城)
亞希多弗的出場 (撒下15:12-34)
1. 背景: 押沙龍在希伯崙自稱為王,私自獻祭,亞希多弗是起勢做反的叛黨之一
2. 亞希多弗不是一個真正信神的人
a. 參與在押沙龍不合乎神心意的獻祭
b. 背叛神膏立的君王,倒戈相向
c. 不合神真理的計謀
亞希多弗獻押沙龍的兩個計謀 (撒下16:15-23; 17:1-14)
1. 羞辱大衛,與大衛的妃嬪在日光之下親熱 (v. 20-22)
a. 應驗先知拿單的預言 (撒下12:11)
b. 一雪平頂上的恥辱 – 撒下11:3 vs. 撒下16:22
人物關係 – 撒下11:3; 23:34b
2. 亞希多弗之計 (v. 1-4)
1. 不肯寬恕
2. 自我中心,以為自己是神 (撒下16:23)
3. 耶和華定意破壞亞希多弗的良謀 (撒下17:14b)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A Remarkable story of Love
An excerpt from a book... Next Door Savior by Max Lucado
A man had been injured in a fire while attempting to save his parents from a burning house. He couldn't get to them. They perished. His face was burned and disfigured. He mistakenly interpreted his pain as God's punishment. The man wouldn't let anyone see him - not even his wife.
She went to Dr. Maltz, a plastic surgeon, for help. He told the woman not to worry. "I can restore his face."
The wife was unenthused. Her husband had repeatedly refused any help. She knew he would again.
Then why her visit? "I want you to disfigure my face so I can be like him! If I can share in his pain, then may be he will let me back into his life."
Dr. Maltz was shocked. He denied her request but was so moved by this woman's love that he went to speak with her husband. Knocking on the man's bedroom door, he called loudly, "I'm a plastic surgeon, and I want you to know that I can restore your face."
No response.
"Please come out."
Again there was no answer.
Still speaking through the door, Dr. Maltz told the man of his wife's proposal. "She wants me to disfigure her face, to make her face like yours in the hope that you will let her back into your life. That's how much she loves you."
There was a brief moment of silence, and then, ever so slowly, the door knob began to turn.
**The way the woman felt for her husband is the way God feels about us. But he did more than make the offer. He took on our face, our disfigurement. He became like us. Just look at the places he was willing to go: feed troughs, carpentry shops, badlands, and cemeteries. The places he went to reach us show how far he will go to touch us.
He loves to be with the ones he loves.
Everything dim in light of HIS love...
A man had been injured in a fire while attempting to save his parents from a burning house. He couldn't get to them. They perished. His face was burned and disfigured. He mistakenly interpreted his pain as God's punishment. The man wouldn't let anyone see him - not even his wife.
She went to Dr. Maltz, a plastic surgeon, for help. He told the woman not to worry. "I can restore his face."
The wife was unenthused. Her husband had repeatedly refused any help. She knew he would again.
Then why her visit? "I want you to disfigure my face so I can be like him! If I can share in his pain, then may be he will let me back into his life."
Dr. Maltz was shocked. He denied her request but was so moved by this woman's love that he went to speak with her husband. Knocking on the man's bedroom door, he called loudly, "I'm a plastic surgeon, and I want you to know that I can restore your face."
No response.
"Please come out."
Again there was no answer.
Still speaking through the door, Dr. Maltz told the man of his wife's proposal. "She wants me to disfigure her face, to make her face like yours in the hope that you will let her back into your life. That's how much she loves you."
There was a brief moment of silence, and then, ever so slowly, the door knob began to turn.
**The way the woman felt for her husband is the way God feels about us. But he did more than make the offer. He took on our face, our disfigurement. He became like us. Just look at the places he was willing to go: feed troughs, carpentry shops, badlands, and cemeteries. The places he went to reach us show how far he will go to touch us.
He loves to be with the ones he loves.
Everything dim in light of HIS love...
Read me like an open book...
Monday, December 17, 2007
We just want to Thank YOU, for the works that HE has done...
Yes, it was a blast last night!!!
Thanks Bonnie for your serving, faithful and thoughtful. You are very precise on every details, thank you!
Phillip: sorry that we didn't get to play all the games that you prepared. I am sure those game idea will get to play in fellowship in the near future, please keep the thought in mind.
Thomas: Thanks for taking care of the equipment and transporting them with your guys' team. Please help and find out where we can develop the photos and pass back to our guests. Thank you.
Michael: hehe.. good partnership doing MC first time. Sorry for the rush schedule.... for the credit that was put on your credit card, please feel free to make it your own offering to Jesus... (haha... )Thanks for everything, getting the gift card and many more... =)
CinCin: Thanks for being there, taking care of those behind the scene... the seating, point counting and stuff...
Adam: Nice preformance last night... we really thought that you would.... hohoho... thanks for your faithful service in worship team... you made it, lo lake in 2008!
Silvia: Thanks for leading worship last night as you also lead sunday worship too, I am sure you are very tired. Thanks for your effort and faithfulness.
Rebecca: Thanks for always lending your helping hands to worship team, although you are not officially on the team, every bit your effort and spirit count!
Ben, Stanley, Eddie, Eric and Lemon: Thanks guys for the lighting, PPT, helping out with the decoration and transporting the equipment. Your work might not be seen on stage, but it won't happen as nicely without your behind the scene work. Thanks!
Icy: Just want to say Thank you again for preparing the gifts, it surely not an easy task to prepare 30 gifts altogether. Thanks for shopping and wrapping them, especially thanks for putting in the thought to think ahead of time for this service! Thanks!
Meipo and Maurice: Thank Pastor Maurice to put down his 'image' to participate in F4. Your involvement becomes the highlight of the event. Especially thanks to Meipo and Kaylee to support Maurice for everything!
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Fok: thanks for videoing tape the "Philippians One Ding"!!!
SGLs: last but not least... without you and your great effort to invite new comers and friends, we won't have much fun. Please keep contact with the new comers as we will "outreach" in 2008!!!
Let me echo Pastor Maurice, Philippians have a strong and united team, it is a blessing from God. Let this advantage become our tool to serve Him more in 2008 and OUTREACH to the un-church.
To God be the glory!
Yes, it was a blast last night!!!
Thanks Bonnie for your serving, faithful and thoughtful. You are very precise on every details, thank you!
Phillip: sorry that we didn't get to play all the games that you prepared. I am sure those game idea will get to play in fellowship in the near future, please keep the thought in mind.
Thomas: Thanks for taking care of the equipment and transporting them with your guys' team. Please help and find out where we can develop the photos and pass back to our guests. Thank you.
Michael: hehe.. good partnership doing MC first time. Sorry for the rush schedule.... for the credit that was put on your credit card, please feel free to make it your own offering to Jesus... (haha... )Thanks for everything, getting the gift card and many more... =)
CinCin: Thanks for being there, taking care of those behind the scene... the seating, point counting and stuff...
Adam: Nice preformance last night... we really thought that you would.... hohoho... thanks for your faithful service in worship team... you made it, lo lake in 2008!
Silvia: Thanks for leading worship last night as you also lead sunday worship too, I am sure you are very tired. Thanks for your effort and faithfulness.
Rebecca: Thanks for always lending your helping hands to worship team, although you are not officially on the team, every bit your effort and spirit count!
Ben, Stanley, Eddie, Eric and Lemon: Thanks guys for the lighting, PPT, helping out with the decoration and transporting the equipment. Your work might not be seen on stage, but it won't happen as nicely without your behind the scene work. Thanks!
Icy: Just want to say Thank you again for preparing the gifts, it surely not an easy task to prepare 30 gifts altogether. Thanks for shopping and wrapping them, especially thanks for putting in the thought to think ahead of time for this service! Thanks!
Meipo and Maurice: Thank Pastor Maurice to put down his 'image' to participate in F4. Your involvement becomes the highlight of the event. Especially thanks to Meipo and Kaylee to support Maurice for everything!
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Fok: thanks for videoing tape the "Philippians One Ding"!!!
SGLs: last but not least... without you and your great effort to invite new comers and friends, we won't have much fun. Please keep contact with the new comers as we will "outreach" in 2008!!!
Let me echo Pastor Maurice, Philippians have a strong and united team, it is a blessing from God. Let this advantage become our tool to serve Him more in 2008 and OUTREACH to the un-church.
To God be the glory!
Friday, December 14, 2007
超低能勁攪笑的夢幻組合 – 腓立比F4
一個平時口多多的 “揣度”
保證你地會嗌 encore
聽說還有腓立比十二樂坊… 這個電光幻影聖誕夜真的不容錯過。
一個平時口多多的 “揣度”
保證你地會嗌 encore
聽說還有腓立比十二樂坊… 這個電光幻影聖誕夜真的不容錯過。
Monday, December 10, 2007
“At times the strength of spiritual community lies in the love of people who refrain from getting caught in the trap of trying to fix everything for us, who pray for us and allow us the pain of our wilderness, our wants, so that we may be more deeply grounded in God.” -- Rosemary Dougherty
“At times the strength of spiritual community lies in the love of people who refrain from getting caught in the trap of trying to fix everything for us, who pray for us and allow us the pain of our wilderness, our wants, so that we may be more deeply grounded in God.” -- Rosemary Dougherty
We Are the Reason
As little children
we would dream of Christmas morn
And all the gifts and toys
we knew we'd find
But we never realized
a baby born one blessed night
Gave us the greatest gift of our lives
And we were the reason
that He gave His life
We were the reason
that He suffered and died
To a world that was lost
He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live
As the years went by
we learned more about gifts
And giving of ourselves
and what that means
On a dark and cloudy day
a man hung crying in the rain
Because of love, because of love
And we are the reason
that He gave His life
We are the reason
that He suffered and died
To a world that was lost
He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live
Friday, December 7, 2007
今年團契聖誕節聚會的安排總算是一波接一波的困難。神在不斷的挑戰我耐性的極限。對於把事情處理妥當和計劃,一貫的作風便是快、靚、正。估不到已經在幾個月前籌劃的事情到臨一個星期前才完全安頓。這個Service Group末期考試真的很驚險。如何在別人無理的錯誤下和內心在翻騰怒火時仍學習以「用最開心嘅心情,面對最壞嘅事情」。在處理「事」的過程中,我的感受真的沒有什麼大不了,一切也得以大局為主。這兩小時內的經歷很豐富,不論怎樣,事情都過去了,把一切榮耀都歸給神和感恩主賜一班和我同遭高高低低的同工。現在什麼也真的安頓了。
Monday, December 3, 2007
Thank God
Last week has been a frustrating week, going through so many obstacles. God has put a test to my patience and faith through various incidents. I guess that's the final exam to my service in Service Group and to pave a path for the succeeding person. While I am on turbo speed and trying to make things work, God slows me down by detour. What a weak person am I, always forgot to kneel before Him and rely on Him.
It has been quite a learning experience to lead the group, struggling big time of what can be talked about to minimize sensitive topic. Jesus done great thing, the sharing went okay.
Talk about the phone calls made last week, restaurant after restaurant, banquet hall after banquet hall, driving extra miles to actually see the place and dinning experience tasting authentic family style French Crusine. The food and environment are great but not the banquet hall, it is just too small to fit us all. However, it was a lovely experience to spend the night with brothers and sisters who filled with love and understanding. Thank God, the Christmas Party at last finalized at a local (Temple City) restaurant. At times, the right one is just within reach, often times we just traveled too far to search.
Philippians are set with Christmas Party as well as Camp for 2008. The journey up the mountain is already very adventurous, however comparing it with the downhill journey, it is nothing. After a night of shower, the car is covered by a shear of ice. The zig-zac road is jammed with slippery cars. The sliding rock, the winding trees, the head chilling snow, when the nature calls, God is not there, but when our car is just several feet away from the cliff with the slide, God is in our heart. Thank God, we all made it back home safely and got the mission completed. May all the glory to God.
God enlarges our capacity to do more for Him by giving us trials beyond our human mind can imagine, and His grace is given in proportion with it. At the feet of the Lord, no one can boast but to bow and kneel.
It has been quite a learning experience to lead the group, struggling big time of what can be talked about to minimize sensitive topic. Jesus done great thing, the sharing went okay.
Talk about the phone calls made last week, restaurant after restaurant, banquet hall after banquet hall, driving extra miles to actually see the place and dinning experience tasting authentic family style French Crusine. The food and environment are great but not the banquet hall, it is just too small to fit us all. However, it was a lovely experience to spend the night with brothers and sisters who filled with love and understanding. Thank God, the Christmas Party at last finalized at a local (Temple City) restaurant. At times, the right one is just within reach, often times we just traveled too far to search.
Philippians are set with Christmas Party as well as Camp for 2008. The journey up the mountain is already very adventurous, however comparing it with the downhill journey, it is nothing. After a night of shower, the car is covered by a shear of ice. The zig-zac road is jammed with slippery cars. The sliding rock, the winding trees, the head chilling snow, when the nature calls, God is not there, but when our car is just several feet away from the cliff with the slide, God is in our heart. Thank God, we all made it back home safely and got the mission completed. May all the glory to God.
God enlarges our capacity to do more for Him by giving us trials beyond our human mind can imagine, and His grace is given in proportion with it. At the feet of the Lord, no one can boast but to bow and kneel.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
你若不壓橄欖成渣 它就不能成油
你若不投葡萄入酢 它就不能變成酒
你若不煉哪噠成膏 它就不流芬芳
主 我這人是否也要受您許可的創傷
您是否要鼓我心絃 發出您的音樂
是否要使音樂甘甜 須有您愛來苦虐
是否當我下倒之時 纔能識愛的心
我是不怕任何損失 若您讓我來相親
主 我慚愧因我感覺 總是保留自己
雖我也曾您雕削 我卻感覺受強逼
主 您能否照您喜樂沒有顧忌去行
不顧我的感覺如何 只是要求您歡欣
如果您我所有苦樂 不能完全相同
要您喜樂須我負軛 我就願意多苦痛
主 我全心求您喜悅 不惜任何代價
您若喜悅並得榮耀 我背任何十字架
我要讚美 再要讚美 讚美何等甘甜
雖我邊讚美邊流淚 甘甜比前更加添
能有甚麼比您更好 比您喜悅可寶
主 我只有一個禱告 您能加增我減少
每次的打擊 都是真利益
如果您收去的東西 您以自己來代替
你若不投葡萄入酢 它就不能變成酒
你若不煉哪噠成膏 它就不流芬芳
主 我這人是否也要受您許可的創傷
您是否要鼓我心絃 發出您的音樂
是否要使音樂甘甜 須有您愛來苦虐
是否當我下倒之時 纔能識愛的心
我是不怕任何損失 若您讓我來相親
主 我慚愧因我感覺 總是保留自己
雖我也曾您雕削 我卻感覺受強逼
主 您能否照您喜樂沒有顧忌去行
不顧我的感覺如何 只是要求您歡欣
如果您我所有苦樂 不能完全相同
要您喜樂須我負軛 我就願意多苦痛
主 我全心求您喜悅 不惜任何代價
您若喜悅並得榮耀 我背任何十字架
我要讚美 再要讚美 讚美何等甘甜
雖我邊讚美邊流淚 甘甜比前更加添
能有甚麼比您更好 比您喜悅可寶
主 我只有一個禱告 您能加增我減少
每次的打擊 都是真利益
如果您收去的東西 您以自己來代替
Friday, November 23, 2007
有一天在找東西,在床下底找了好一陣子,想要的東西找不到,只發現有很多當時認為極具收藏價值的的東西很久沒有理會,已被厚厚的塵埃覆蓋與包圍。翻閱了那些雜物後,雖然已失去當時所認為有的收藏價值,但也仍然收藏,只是有點捨不得。原來有時物質濾積起來目的是要去收集回憶的證據。恐怕有一天會把事件、人物忘 記,因為那可以一同共證的人已不在身邊了。
…每次的打擊 都是真利益
如果袮收去的東西 袮以自己來代替…
有一天在找東西,在床下底找了好一陣子,想要的東西找不到,只發現有很多當時認為極具收藏價值的的東西很久沒有理會,已被厚厚的塵埃覆蓋與包圍。翻閱了那些雜物後,雖然已失去當時所認為有的收藏價值,但也仍然收藏,只是有點捨不得。原來有時物質濾積起來目的是要去收集回憶的證據。恐怕有一天會把事件、人物忘 記,因為那可以一同共證的人已不在身邊了。
…每次的打擊 都是真利益
如果袮收去的東西 袮以自己來代替…
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
If we say we love HIM, this will be the time show…
The love of God is amazing and stunning… once again touched by the scripture when Jesus washes the feet of the disciples.
The scripture is as graphical as a movie playing in my head. Jesus and the 12 disciples coming a long way to Jerusalem, they are exhausted. They entered a room, Jesus has made arrangement for the Passover dinner. The room seated 13 tired men, but who will first pick up the towel and basin to wash their filth feet? The job was supposed to be done by the lowest servant of the house. No eyes contact with Jesus’. No fingers move an inch dare to catch any attention of initiation. Jesus get up from his seat, roll up his sleeve, tied his rope around his waist, pick up the towel and basin. He kneels down, unlace the sandals, put the feet into the water. The creator of the universe, the hands created the stars are now doing foot massage. Jesus washes every single one of the disciple’s feet, even Judas, who will betrayal him, even Peter, who will denial him three times before the rooster call. Jesus knows what will happen, He realizes even before Judas and Peter know they will commit such act. When Jesus kneels before Judas, He washes Judas’ feet like everyone else. There’s no where in the bible mention a word that Jesus skip Judas or give a lecture to Peter before washes his feet. Jesus impartially serves every single one of the disciples; even He knows they will do wrong against Him.
I couldn’t help but my tears filled my eyes. Lord, please don’t… The Lord said, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” and “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” Why you leave such a beautiful footstep for us to follow on forgiveness? The part of me inside would revenge eye for eye, hand for hand, tooth for tooth, but you pour out your life into mine unreservedly, I couldn’t but learn to love impartially and selflessly like you. We all need to learn to serve and love those that stabbed brutally, slandered unsparingly and spitted disrespectfully. Often times we see other’s dirty feet but never think of taking up a humble role of a feet washer. We all have filth dirty feet, drop your head and take a look down at your own feet, my feet is not any cleaner than yours. Often times we think we know so well of other’s bad record , however, love keeps no record of wrong. Jesus loves the church of Corinth, a blessed and talented but messy church. Divisions in the church, immortal brother, lawsuits among believers, sexual immorality, misconduct in marriage…etc, the body of Christ is wounded and scarred everywhere. Jesus’ heart is aching and dripping blood. These are things He would never want to see among His church. These are the things that torn His body apart. These are the thing that ought to be stopped immediately. Paul addresses the issues in the church of Corinth. He lectured and exhorted them with harsh word, discipline, authority, history of the Israelites and at last LOVE. Love is the remedy of the ordeal and the language that should spoke among us followers of Christ. Lord, have mercy on your people, to bravely stand, boldly protect and to impartially love.
The scripture is as graphical as a movie playing in my head. Jesus and the 12 disciples coming a long way to Jerusalem, they are exhausted. They entered a room, Jesus has made arrangement for the Passover dinner. The room seated 13 tired men, but who will first pick up the towel and basin to wash their filth feet? The job was supposed to be done by the lowest servant of the house. No eyes contact with Jesus’. No fingers move an inch dare to catch any attention of initiation. Jesus get up from his seat, roll up his sleeve, tied his rope around his waist, pick up the towel and basin. He kneels down, unlace the sandals, put the feet into the water. The creator of the universe, the hands created the stars are now doing foot massage. Jesus washes every single one of the disciple’s feet, even Judas, who will betrayal him, even Peter, who will denial him three times before the rooster call. Jesus knows what will happen, He realizes even before Judas and Peter know they will commit such act. When Jesus kneels before Judas, He washes Judas’ feet like everyone else. There’s no where in the bible mention a word that Jesus skip Judas or give a lecture to Peter before washes his feet. Jesus impartially serves every single one of the disciples; even He knows they will do wrong against Him.
I couldn’t help but my tears filled my eyes. Lord, please don’t… The Lord said, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” and “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” Why you leave such a beautiful footstep for us to follow on forgiveness? The part of me inside would revenge eye for eye, hand for hand, tooth for tooth, but you pour out your life into mine unreservedly, I couldn’t but learn to love impartially and selflessly like you. We all need to learn to serve and love those that stabbed brutally, slandered unsparingly and spitted disrespectfully. Often times we see other’s dirty feet but never think of taking up a humble role of a feet washer. We all have filth dirty feet, drop your head and take a look down at your own feet, my feet is not any cleaner than yours. Often times we think we know so well of other’s bad record , however, love keeps no record of wrong. Jesus loves the church of Corinth, a blessed and talented but messy church. Divisions in the church, immortal brother, lawsuits among believers, sexual immorality, misconduct in marriage…etc, the body of Christ is wounded and scarred everywhere. Jesus’ heart is aching and dripping blood. These are things He would never want to see among His church. These are the things that torn His body apart. These are the thing that ought to be stopped immediately. Paul addresses the issues in the church of Corinth. He lectured and exhorted them with harsh word, discipline, authority, history of the Israelites and at last LOVE. Love is the remedy of the ordeal and the language that should spoke among us followers of Christ. Lord, have mercy on your people, to bravely stand, boldly protect and to impartially love.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
她們都說我太心軟… 其實我也很激氣的呢。有時真的不知道怎樣付出愛與關懷才最恰當。失望是想不明白為何人可以如此不自愛。另一方面也因為自己的愛心不被稀罕而失望,感到自己做了多餘的事情。
Monday, November 12, 2007
Starting this week with a Thankful Heart
Although I wake up with a headache and a sore body this morning, my mind is filled with God's blessing. So thankful to be surrounded with God's provision abundantly. Last night, I spent a night entertaining myself, dining at the Japanese food court then enjoy a night of drama at the Ahmanson. The play is not as entertaining as I thought it would be although it is a comedy, and along with my coughing, it is even embarrassing to cough when people are so focus on the play. Oh well, sorry... I didn't mean to interrupt... =)
There are a lot of things that I want to write about, just didn't have the time to put everything in my mind into writing...
I want to write about the thrilling experience to meet my STM room mate again in LA. Even though it is just couple of hours... May God bless B&D! STM is the highlight of 2007.
also to write about the STM video editing experience... first time in my lifetime to edit such a humongous volume of video and condense it into 5 minutes of meaningful message. Thank God for His great help as the editing could take up even more hours, especially thank Brother H for his magical touch!
Oh… I would definitely want to write about this even more embarrassing experience that I fell asleep during Christmas Choir practice. This is historical; I can fall asleep during singing practice. I wonder how that could happen… the coughing and sleepless night... Thank God that I didn’t get to experience those without that. And once again reminded myself of my limitation and don't try to do everything... 我會聽話架嘞!
Even more grateful is that I can witness God’s presence in Guangxi China and share with brothers and sisters in LA. His work is fiercely on forwarding even in the midst of the ‘forbidden’ environment. For the door He has opened, no one can close…
There are a lot of things that I want to write about, just didn't have the time to put everything in my mind into writing...
I want to write about the thrilling experience to meet my STM room mate again in LA. Even though it is just couple of hours... May God bless B&D! STM is the highlight of 2007.
also to write about the STM video editing experience... first time in my lifetime to edit such a humongous volume of video and condense it into 5 minutes of meaningful message. Thank God for His great help as the editing could take up even more hours, especially thank Brother H for his magical touch!
Oh… I would definitely want to write about this even more embarrassing experience that I fell asleep during Christmas Choir practice. This is historical; I can fall asleep during singing practice. I wonder how that could happen… the coughing and sleepless night... Thank God that I didn’t get to experience those without that. And once again reminded myself of my limitation and don't try to do everything... 我會聽話架嘞!
Even more grateful is that I can witness God’s presence in Guangxi China and share with brothers and sisters in LA. His work is fiercely on forwarding even in the midst of the ‘forbidden’ environment. For the door He has opened, no one can close…
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Trust His Heart
When comforting words come short, when caring is still a world away, when the path ahead remain dark, when the future lies ahead is still uncertain, please TRUST HIS HEART!!
This song is for you who lost your job, who is suffering from tremendous of accusation, who feel that no one cares, who struggling through dark valley after dark valleys, who is so weary in ministry and don't know how to move on, who thought that no one will understand, who thought that no one will love, who thought that marriage is just an arm away, who cry yourself to sleep at night, who has been constantly defeated by trials, who still haven't see the light of God...God uses this song embraced me when I am at those time, you are not alone, I've been there... and you are in my prayer and your name is inscribed in the palm of HIS hand.
All things work for our good
though sometimes we can’t see how they could.
Struggles that break our hearts in two
sometimes blind us to the truth.
Our Father knows what’s best for us;
His ways are not our own.
So, when your pathway grows dim,
and you just can’t see Him,
Remember He’s still on the throne.
God is too wise to be mistaken.
God is too good to be unkind.
So when you don’t understand,
when you don’t see His plan,
When you can’t trace His hand, trust His heart.
He sees the Master plan.
He holds the future in His hands.
So don’t live as those who have no hope.
All our hope is found in Him.
We walk in present knowledge,
but He sees the first and the last.
And like a tapestry, He’s weaving you and me
to someday be just like Him.
God is too wise to be mistaken.
God is too good to be unkind.
So when you don’t understand,
when you don’t see His plan,
When you can’t trace His hand, trust His heart.
This song is for you who lost your job, who is suffering from tremendous of accusation, who feel that no one cares, who struggling through dark valley after dark valleys, who is so weary in ministry and don't know how to move on, who thought that no one will understand, who thought that no one will love, who thought that marriage is just an arm away, who cry yourself to sleep at night, who has been constantly defeated by trials, who still haven't see the light of God...God uses this song embraced me when I am at those time, you are not alone, I've been there... and you are in my prayer and your name is inscribed in the palm of HIS hand.
All things work for our good
though sometimes we can’t see how they could.
Struggles that break our hearts in two
sometimes blind us to the truth.
Our Father knows what’s best for us;
His ways are not our own.
So, when your pathway grows dim,
and you just can’t see Him,
Remember He’s still on the throne.
God is too wise to be mistaken.
God is too good to be unkind.
So when you don’t understand,
when you don’t see His plan,
When you can’t trace His hand, trust His heart.
He sees the Master plan.
He holds the future in His hands.
So don’t live as those who have no hope.
All our hope is found in Him.
We walk in present knowledge,
but He sees the first and the last.
And like a tapestry, He’s weaving you and me
to someday be just like Him.
God is too wise to be mistaken.
God is too good to be unkind.
So when you don’t understand,
when you don’t see His plan,
When you can’t trace His hand, trust His heart.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
剪片 - 差遣我
主告訴我 如何獻上我的生命
主告訴我 如何付出我的關懷
差遺我 差遺我 我願付出我所有
差遺我 到需要你的人群中
充滿我 充滿我 用你的愛來充滿我
主告訴我 如何獻上我的生命
主告訴我 如何付出我的關懷
差遺我 差遺我 我願付出我所有
差遺我 到需要你的人群中
充滿我 充滿我 用你的愛來充滿我
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
The Beast Inside…
I can not but to pray for repentance.
I can not but to extend my arm to reach out for a chance to save.
I can not but to accept the fact that sin is eating bit by bit of the desolated spiritual life.
I can not but to let go of my prejudice and yearning God for more patience to love again.
I can not but to pack away my disappointment and give hope for God’s sake.
For all that I can’t, God CAN…
It is a life long lesson to tame our rebellious nature. The tug of war between the new creation in Christ with the old rebellious product of sin. It is very upsetting to see God is losing the foothold while the worldly temptation and instant gratification is gaining. Jesus must be heart broken. The potential to sin is our nature, it is in our blood. It got easily irritated, triggered and unleashed just by a minor thought to loosen and putting up the shield of faith. The Psalmist grasped this concept. Blessed are those who pondered at God’s word day and night and will live a life abundantly like it was planted by the source of water.
Dear Lord, please occupy my mind with Your precious word, lest that the worldly treasure will attract my sight. Lord, give me the trials that will keep me close to you. Grant me strength, love and patience to help those who are in need and walk with them extra miles to be close to you. Change my appetite to "Put other's need first..." Make me a blessing for I will be a curse without You.
I can not but to extend my arm to reach out for a chance to save.
I can not but to accept the fact that sin is eating bit by bit of the desolated spiritual life.
I can not but to let go of my prejudice and yearning God for more patience to love again.
I can not but to pack away my disappointment and give hope for God’s sake.
For all that I can’t, God CAN…
It is a life long lesson to tame our rebellious nature. The tug of war between the new creation in Christ with the old rebellious product of sin. It is very upsetting to see God is losing the foothold while the worldly temptation and instant gratification is gaining. Jesus must be heart broken. The potential to sin is our nature, it is in our blood. It got easily irritated, triggered and unleashed just by a minor thought to loosen and putting up the shield of faith. The Psalmist grasped this concept. Blessed are those who pondered at God’s word day and night and will live a life abundantly like it was planted by the source of water.
Dear Lord, please occupy my mind with Your precious word, lest that the worldly treasure will attract my sight. Lord, give me the trials that will keep me close to you. Grant me strength, love and patience to help those who are in need and walk with them extra miles to be close to you. Change my appetite to "Put other's need first..." Make me a blessing for I will be a curse without You.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Reflection: Lecture V - Dr. John H. Coe
It is not unusual to associate the 'feeling'/presence of God is a sign of contented spirituality, and this seems to give measure to one's spiritual maturity. Dr. John Coe has gave a profound lecture and sharing on the topic, which is an eye-opening experience to my spiritual walk. After four lectures on Spiritual Formation, it is wonderful, ideal and perfect, however, there is a missing piece. God is not always near, at least to my human sensitivity and sinful nature. Being told there's a place of perfection but recognize the reality of spiritual status is an ordeal. Sincere Christian doesn't settle with status quo, and deeds don't satisfy or fill the gap in between. God seems to be absence sometimes to devoted Christian. After the lecture, there are lots of reflection and confession of wrong doings to 'muscle up' the spiritual experience or being unreal to my spirituality.
The lecture reminds spiritual leader, which alot of time tempted to generate spiritual experience/feeling to themselves or the flock. The sensation of consolation itself is wonderful, however a toxic addiction when being faked.
Dear Lord, please help me to be true to my spirituality, whether in consolation or desolation. Help me to bring about a true, genuine and authentic spiritual life that even at times of drought, You can still shine through my cracked heart.
The lecture reminds spiritual leader, which alot of time tempted to generate spiritual experience/feeling to themselves or the flock. The sensation of consolation itself is wonderful, however a toxic addiction when being faked.
Dear Lord, please help me to be true to my spirituality, whether in consolation or desolation. Help me to bring about a true, genuine and authentic spiritual life that even at times of drought, You can still shine through my cracked heart.
Lecture V-Drawing Near to God When God Seems Far Away:
Practicing the Presence of God Despite Feelings (Dr. John H. Coe)
"God, who is everywhere, never leaves, us. Yet He seems sometimes to be present, sometimes absent. If we do not know Him well, we do not realize that He may be more present to us when He is absent than when He is present." Thomas Merton, No Man is an Island
I've learned two new terminologies:
Consolation - Spiritual feelings of God's presence
Desolation - Spiritual feelings of God's absence
Notes from Dr. John H Coe:
Spiritual feelings do not necessarily correlate with maturity. If that is the case, spiritual feelings of God's presence (consolation) or absence (desolation) are less the result of our actions and more the gifts of God according to His purposes.
At times of Consolation, God purposefully to encourage us, give us a taste of the presence of God and to reinforce practicing spiritual discipline. In season of Consolation, it is a great time to give ourselves to spiritual disciplines, reading of the word, prayer. Open our heart deeply, soften the focus on everything else and focus on God, welcome a time of formation.
At times of Desolation, it is a time to mirror what in our heart. Faith practice of spiritual discipline to mirror what’s inside, to see part of our heart that will shock us. God needs to do a 'heart-surgery' to our heart that has falsely attached to something else other than God. "Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD." Deut. 8:2-3 When we are hungry, our heart to will open to God.
What is going on in this desolation, what is God doing?
Spirit of God wants to make our heart Him home.
Vice and sins in heart to be removed - purge the pockets in our heart that is filled with ourselves
Most of us will choose 'consolation' over 'transformation'. The Holy Spirit has a lot to fill us, He knows and desires more of us. God can only withdrawing to feel consolation to take us on a journey to deepen our relationship with Him.
Dark Nights: when God is going to purge the heart to draw nearer to you within.
Two forms of dark nights or seasons of purgation:
· First dark night of senses: for younger believers, purging them to the reliance of consolation, meaning the presence of God by feeling of consolation.
· Second dark night of the spirit: for older believers. Need to open new rivers of living water, where a good character developed a good theology in their life. Reliance upon their character, depend upon discipline and wisdom rather than on God.
2. What is going on in the dark nights:
· Biblically this stage is likened to Young mean: wrestle with the evil one, overcome him, you are strong, word abides in you. (IJohn 2:12-14)
· God withdraws spiritual consolation: At some point, bible reading, hearing sermon, prayer lose their pleasure dimension. Ministry loses its zest. The sense of our own good character no longer satisfies – we are left with experiencing the parts of ourselves that are filled with the self and not the Spirit – this is a gift to experience the truth of parts of ourselves – and so, we become hungry for God, we want to rivers of living water. (It is hard for us let go of consolation, like a baby wants bottle. God took the bottle away, in order to re-train our sense/discernment to open to His word.)
· The Experience: in the balance of our self and the Spirit working right through our psychological functioning, we typically experience dryness, distance from God, frustration, sense of moral failure, loneliness, spiritual impotence, confusion over allegiance to the world, self or God.
· How do you know if you are in a dark night:
a) During this time, it is very difficult to pray and do spiritual discipline. Holy Spirit is choosing to give you experience (a taste) of your heart that don’t like spiritual discipline. Sometimes when we aren’t excited about spiritual things because something else is in our heart.
b) Don’t want to meditate, prayer time less, because it becoming painful to see what’s going on with our soul.
c) Worry about the state of your soul, asking questions what’s wrong with me?
· Temptation in dark nights:
a) Temptation to think I am doing something wrong.
b) Pray harder, generate a spiritual feeling, making something up, trying to get that love and feeling back (e.g. reading spiritual books…etc.)
c) When it doesn’t work stop doing the discipline
d) When we silently despair that God will not come.
· Remember: God is so close: This dryness is a new, more profound work of God in our deep in order to have a true, honest relationship the Spirit is attempting to reveal the truth of ourselves in neediness, to help us despair of ourselves and independence and open us to declare our dependence on the Spirit (purgative contemplation). The is what it is to be filled with the Spirit to the level one can at the stage where they are still quite filled with their own autonomous hopes, desires, wants, joys, hatreds, sorrows etc. The Spirit intends to purge these from us to slowly fill us with His own hopes etc. Nevertheless, this purgative and negative-feeling experience is a profound work of the Spirit to open us to a deeper love based upon the truth of ourselves and His loving us in light of the good and the bad within us.
· What to do or how to experience these times of desolation/dark nights
a) Going through time of dryness may be a sign/work God is working in you. Open to that.
b) Spiritual discipline change in terms of their purpose. Mirror to reality.
c) About a person from the inside calling you to listen and to watch. What is it teaching and showing you.
d) A need to resist the temptation to spiritual fix yourself.
e) Expect and want nothing except what He has to give, follow the spirit.
f) Must resist the temptation to use spiritual discipline to generate spiritual feelings. Don’t muscle it up! NO! Just let it be! Open to His word.
g) Leaders of church, resist the temptation to generate spiritual experience to people. My task is to help people to open to consolation and desolation. Praying the experience.
h) Need to be faithful to continue to do the spiritual discipline that it becomes an opportunity.
i) Need to consider this spiritual dryness is an invitation to enter to truth of your heart and just ask the spirit to teach you…
"God, who is everywhere, never leaves, us. Yet He seems sometimes to be present, sometimes absent. If we do not know Him well, we do not realize that He may be more present to us when He is absent than when He is present." Thomas Merton, No Man is an Island
I've learned two new terminologies:
Consolation - Spiritual feelings of God's presence
Desolation - Spiritual feelings of God's absence
Notes from Dr. John H Coe:
Spiritual feelings do not necessarily correlate with maturity. If that is the case, spiritual feelings of God's presence (consolation) or absence (desolation) are less the result of our actions and more the gifts of God according to His purposes.
At times of Consolation, God purposefully to encourage us, give us a taste of the presence of God and to reinforce practicing spiritual discipline. In season of Consolation, it is a great time to give ourselves to spiritual disciplines, reading of the word, prayer. Open our heart deeply, soften the focus on everything else and focus on God, welcome a time of formation.
At times of Desolation, it is a time to mirror what in our heart. Faith practice of spiritual discipline to mirror what’s inside, to see part of our heart that will shock us. God needs to do a 'heart-surgery' to our heart that has falsely attached to something else other than God. "Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD." Deut. 8:2-3 When we are hungry, our heart to will open to God.
What is going on in this desolation, what is God doing?
Spirit of God wants to make our heart Him home.
Vice and sins in heart to be removed - purge the pockets in our heart that is filled with ourselves
Most of us will choose 'consolation' over 'transformation'. The Holy Spirit has a lot to fill us, He knows and desires more of us. God can only withdrawing to feel consolation to take us on a journey to deepen our relationship with Him.
Dark Nights: when God is going to purge the heart to draw nearer to you within.
Two forms of dark nights or seasons of purgation:
· First dark night of senses: for younger believers, purging them to the reliance of consolation, meaning the presence of God by feeling of consolation.
· Second dark night of the spirit: for older believers. Need to open new rivers of living water, where a good character developed a good theology in their life. Reliance upon their character, depend upon discipline and wisdom rather than on God.
2. What is going on in the dark nights:
· Biblically this stage is likened to Young mean: wrestle with the evil one, overcome him, you are strong, word abides in you. (IJohn 2:12-14)
· God withdraws spiritual consolation: At some point, bible reading, hearing sermon, prayer lose their pleasure dimension. Ministry loses its zest. The sense of our own good character no longer satisfies – we are left with experiencing the parts of ourselves that are filled with the self and not the Spirit – this is a gift to experience the truth of parts of ourselves – and so, we become hungry for God, we want to rivers of living water. (It is hard for us let go of consolation, like a baby wants bottle. God took the bottle away, in order to re-train our sense/discernment to open to His word.)
· The Experience: in the balance of our self and the Spirit working right through our psychological functioning, we typically experience dryness, distance from God, frustration, sense of moral failure, loneliness, spiritual impotence, confusion over allegiance to the world, self or God.
· How do you know if you are in a dark night:
a) During this time, it is very difficult to pray and do spiritual discipline. Holy Spirit is choosing to give you experience (a taste) of your heart that don’t like spiritual discipline. Sometimes when we aren’t excited about spiritual things because something else is in our heart.
b) Don’t want to meditate, prayer time less, because it becoming painful to see what’s going on with our soul.
c) Worry about the state of your soul, asking questions what’s wrong with me?
· Temptation in dark nights:
a) Temptation to think I am doing something wrong.
b) Pray harder, generate a spiritual feeling, making something up, trying to get that love and feeling back (e.g. reading spiritual books…etc.)
c) When it doesn’t work stop doing the discipline
d) When we silently despair that God will not come.
· Remember: God is so close: This dryness is a new, more profound work of God in our deep in order to have a true, honest relationship the Spirit is attempting to reveal the truth of ourselves in neediness, to help us despair of ourselves and independence and open us to declare our dependence on the Spirit (purgative contemplation). The is what it is to be filled with the Spirit to the level one can at the stage where they are still quite filled with their own autonomous hopes, desires, wants, joys, hatreds, sorrows etc. The Spirit intends to purge these from us to slowly fill us with His own hopes etc. Nevertheless, this purgative and negative-feeling experience is a profound work of the Spirit to open us to a deeper love based upon the truth of ourselves and His loving us in light of the good and the bad within us.
· What to do or how to experience these times of desolation/dark nights
a) Going through time of dryness may be a sign/work God is working in you. Open to that.
b) Spiritual discipline change in terms of their purpose. Mirror to reality.
c) About a person from the inside calling you to listen and to watch. What is it teaching and showing you.
d) A need to resist the temptation to spiritual fix yourself.
e) Expect and want nothing except what He has to give, follow the spirit.
f) Must resist the temptation to use spiritual discipline to generate spiritual feelings. Don’t muscle it up! NO! Just let it be! Open to His word.
g) Leaders of church, resist the temptation to generate spiritual experience to people. My task is to help people to open to consolation and desolation. Praying the experience.
h) Need to be faithful to continue to do the spiritual discipline that it becomes an opportunity.
i) Need to consider this spiritual dryness is an invitation to enter to truth of your heart and just ask the spirit to teach you…
A Poem dedicated to those who lost their home…
When the fire and wind are gone
The memories covered in the rubbles and ashes are still fond
The house is no more a shelter
The family holds each other together
The fire might fiercely burn longer and longer
Our family bond even stronger and stronger
Smoke arise to the sky carried a prayer to God
What lies ahead is a path remain broad
Keep us near and hold us close
In Your bosom is our cure dose
The bed and cover would keep us warm
In Your embrace we slumber till dawn
Please continue to pray for them to experience God's love in the midst of this ordeal...
The memories covered in the rubbles and ashes are still fond
The house is no more a shelter
The family holds each other together
The fire might fiercely burn longer and longer
Our family bond even stronger and stronger
Smoke arise to the sky carried a prayer to God
What lies ahead is a path remain broad
Keep us near and hold us close
In Your bosom is our cure dose
The bed and cover would keep us warm
In Your embrace we slumber till dawn
Please continue to pray for them to experience God's love in the midst of this ordeal...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
唯 有你是我力量
求饒 恕,求憐 憫,
求 你賜我力量
唯 有你是我力量
求饒 恕,求憐 憫,
求 你賜我力量
蒙饒 恕,蒙憐 憫,得安慰
唯 有你是我力量
求饒 恕,求憐 憫,
求 你賜我力量
唯 有你是我力量
求饒 恕,求憐 憫,
求 你賜我力量
蒙饒 恕,蒙憐 憫,得安慰
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Family Tuesday
Every Tuesday is Family Night. The kids will be back and dinner at home. It is so amazing to see Jacob grow. He is able to pick up the spoon and feed himself. After dinner, it's exercise time... !
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
下一次回港也可用一用E-道,看看有沒有進步。還有是必要過大海(澳門)一轉,拿一個澳門身份証,繼而再攪張回鄉咭,那再去大陸短宣就不用簽証了。想起澳門那個 “非常方便” 的換領程序…值得。下次回港該是去看看Dinny的小孩了。Dinny,你得賞所願啦!
下一次回港也可用一用E-道,看看有沒有進步。還有是必要過大海(澳門)一轉,拿一個澳門身份証,繼而再攪張回鄉咭,那再去大陸短宣就不用簽証了。想起澳門那個 “非常方便” 的換領程序…值得。下次回港該是去看看Dinny的小孩了。Dinny,你得賞所願啦!
美麗的矛盾 - paradoxical truth of Christianity
The paradoxical truth of Christianity, thank you Jesus! Everything is different through your magical touch.
The paradoxical truth of Christianity, thank you Jesus! Everything is different through your magical touch.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
這幾天都收到你們有意無意的小心意,很窩心! 在這初冬的季節份外暖心。
這個很少說話的「世嶽」兄也說我的聲線低沉了。連我自己也察覺不到,可能我比較喜歡低沉的聲線,因為聽起來比較迷人… 或是有助於聖誕詩班唱Alto吧!
這個很少說話的「世嶽」兄也說我的聲線低沉了。連我自己也察覺不到,可能我比較喜歡低沉的聲線,因為聽起來比較迷人… 或是有助於聖誕詩班唱Alto吧!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Real Bloody and Sweaty Struggles
Jesus aches… as painful as we are when we strive through those real bloody and sweaty struggles in our spiritual walk. It makes a whole lot of different to aware that Jesus cares.
Let's not spent the lonely time alone, Jesus listens.
Let's not let go and drown to the bottom of the ocean, Jesus is reaching out his arm.
Let's not cry at the corner alone, we can weep together.
Let’s not armlessly fight Satan’s attack when we can pray hand-in-hand.
Let’s let God’s love enveloped us and spoke through the time we spent together.
The reality is irresolvable and irreversible, but there’s HOPE!
Let's not spent the lonely time alone, Jesus listens.
Let's not let go and drown to the bottom of the ocean, Jesus is reaching out his arm.
Let's not cry at the corner alone, we can weep together.
Let’s not armlessly fight Satan’s attack when we can pray hand-in-hand.
Let’s let God’s love enveloped us and spoke through the time we spent together.
The reality is irresolvable and irreversible, but there’s HOPE!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
上帝是愛與慈悲、憐憫,同樣也是公義、忌邪、聖潔、滿有權能的神。對於上帝的愛與慈悲、憐憫,似乎沒有什麼難度去接受,因為給上帝愛著是多麼幸福的一件事。在信主的一刻,主耶穌在十字架為我們的罪被釘死,神的愛盡顯於此。每當想起主為我走上十架的時候,內心攪動,主的愛成為最大的動力去愛其他人和跟隨神。但是主十字架的義意不止於此,在這十字架的背後,有另一幅圖畫。在耶穌基督血流滿面,片體鏻傷和釘痕的背後是神的震怒,是神對罪如此的憎恨,寧願犧牲愛子耶穌,把罪所帶來的死亡和羞辱盡傾在耶穌身上。只看到神是愛、慈悲與憐憫,並不完全明白神愛、慈悲與憐憫。在接受上帝的愛以先,必須經過上帝的公義、忌邪、聖潔和權能,也必須嚴苛的 對付自己的罪,到痛不欲生、恨之入骨的地步。當自己也無法接納自己是如此污穢不堪的一刻,聖靈引我到髑髏地十字架面前,看見掛在木頭上的主,在四目交投的 一刻… 「主呀!為什麼?值得嗎?」主看到我的痛衪也痛,衪看到我的淚也哭了。「我就是愛你。就這麼簡單。一切也不用說。只管接受。」然後,雙膝跪下在十字架前流 淚痛哭悔改。這一幕必須經過,也必須重覆經過,以免我這個善忘的人忘記主有多愛我,有多痛恨我犯罪。
Monday, October 8, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Lecture III - The Heart of Christian Spirituality: Falling for God (Gary W. Moon)
Religion vs. Righteousness -
Religion is whatever you and I do in order to get God to love us more than we think He wants to.
Righteousness is understood in the OT as a very different term. The chief end of man, is to serve God and enjoy Him Forever.
The 3 C's of Lasting Love -
1. Taking time for Conversation
2. Becoming honest enough for true Communion
3. Thristing God desire for Consummation
Practicing the Presence of God - require much desperation
Hearing God: staying close, discerning the sound of God's voice require and overall approach to live in which I organize my day around staying close to Him.
In mood for God: conversation, development a conversational relationship.
Honesty that leads to Communion - willingness vs. willfulness, overcoming fears and idols and accepting our personal cross.
Experiencing Union - Forgiveness to Reconciliation to Union with God through Christ.
Paul only quote Jesus 3 times, how can that be?? however, there are 64 times mentioning he is living in Christ, interested in Christ in us and actualizing in Christ.
Primary Goals - Dearly love and delight in the heavenly Father (unable to jot down complete notes)
Secondary Goals - these indeed are great goals, but not primary goal.
1. Profession of perfectly correct doctrine
2. Seeking for special experiences
3. Faithfulness to church
4. External conformity
5. Social relationship and responsiblity
The 3rd key problem -
Focusing man on training than TRANSFORMATION: we can train people to like something, but only Jesus transform people inside out.
VIM model for change -
re-Vision: trinity, aspect of savior
Intention: intentional about change, willing to embrace, comes from desperation of pain.
Means: spiritual disciplines transformations.
Religion is whatever you and I do in order to get God to love us more than we think He wants to.
Righteousness is understood in the OT as a very different term. The chief end of man, is to serve God and enjoy Him Forever.
The 3 C's of Lasting Love -
1. Taking time for Conversation
2. Becoming honest enough for true Communion
3. Thristing God desire for Consummation
Practicing the Presence of God - require much desperation
Hearing God: staying close, discerning the sound of God's voice require and overall approach to live in which I organize my day around staying close to Him.
In mood for God: conversation, development a conversational relationship.
Honesty that leads to Communion - willingness vs. willfulness, overcoming fears and idols and accepting our personal cross.
Experiencing Union - Forgiveness to Reconciliation to Union with God through Christ.
Paul only quote Jesus 3 times, how can that be?? however, there are 64 times mentioning he is living in Christ, interested in Christ in us and actualizing in Christ.
Primary Goals - Dearly love and delight in the heavenly Father (unable to jot down complete notes)
Secondary Goals - these indeed are great goals, but not primary goal.
1. Profession of perfectly correct doctrine
2. Seeking for special experiences
3. Faithfulness to church
4. External conformity
5. Social relationship and responsiblity
The 3rd key problem -
Focusing man on training than TRANSFORMATION: we can train people to like something, but only Jesus transform people inside out.
VIM model for change -
re-Vision: trinity, aspect of savior
Intention: intentional about change, willing to embrace, comes from desperation of pain.
Means: spiritual disciplines transformations.
Friday, October 5, 2007
媽媽從香港回來後沉迷了遊戲機。或許早前跟孫兒玩得多,自己也上癮了。這次她不單在家玩Wii,還從香港帶來Nintendo DS。一向都喜歡狗仔的媽媽,愛心大到連其中的一個飼養狗仔的玩意也沉迷起來。這幾天晚上就是在幫媽媽訓練這隻「任天狗」 (真不知道是誰起的名,好像粗口似的) ,為了紀念我兒時第一隻養的狗,這隻「任天狗」取名為ShuShu。經過一輪時間、精神和耐性的訓練,媽媽這隻「假狗」終於識遞手手同sit。平時仲要同佢沖涼,帶佢去街,買日用品等等。這個玩意真不適合我,若不是要逗媽媽開心,這些時間的投資…不值得。
從小我也不太嗜遊戲機,只有一段很短的時期對Street Fighter投入了一陣子。再者,看到哥哥這麼多年來也是一個遊戲機‘癡’,除了上班的時間就是坐在電腦前打機至深夜或天光。有時並會以互聯網與同是機癡的人交流心得,這些打機文化真不太懂。
從小我也不太嗜遊戲機,只有一段很短的時期對Street Fighter投入了一陣子。再者,看到哥哥這麼多年來也是一個遊戲機‘癡’,除了上班的時間就是坐在電腦前打機至深夜或天光。有時並會以互聯網與同是機癡的人交流心得,這些打機文化真不太懂。
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
晚飯時,媽媽總是說我太忙,沒時間休息,又夜瞓,又早起,食無定時,梗係病啦。媽媽在家的時候總是囉囉唆唆喋喋不休的。你怎麼又病了但總不見你瘦?怎麼菲菲那麼髒?雪櫃裡的東西為什麼還未食?哥哥的房間怎麼亂?後園的花怎麼都枯死了?媽媽說的都是。我要求爸爸媽媽不要離開我太久,他們不在的時候身心總是很容易疲累。媽媽卻說主耶穌可能很快接我回天家的,很難答應你ga bor。而爸爸卻一口答應了,我懷疑他根本沒有聽我在說什麼,只管求其答應這個在生病又永遠長不大的女兒。有時不是不知道如何照顧自己,只是懶和想被照顧一下。
晚飯時,媽媽總是說我太忙,沒時間休息,又夜瞓,又早起,食無定時,梗係病啦。媽媽在家的時候總是囉囉唆唆喋喋不休的。你怎麼又病了但總不見你瘦?怎麼菲菲那麼髒?雪櫃裡的東西為什麼還未食?哥哥的房間怎麼亂?後園的花怎麼都枯死了?媽媽說的都是。我要求爸爸媽媽不要離開我太久,他們不在的時候身心總是很容易疲累。媽媽卻說主耶穌可能很快接我回天家的,很難答應你ga bor。而爸爸卻一口答應了,我懷疑他根本沒有聽我在說什麼,只管求其答應這個在生病又永遠長不大的女兒。有時不是不知道如何照顧自己,只是懶和想被照顧一下。
Thoughts about Spirituality...
In light of God’s word and absorption from the different people’s writing, there are some thoughts about spirituality. It is a journey of going through rubbles in the past, smiling at some faces who added value in life and fisting on some who brought hurt. Each and every piece of these experiences made sense to my spiritual life picture to become whole. I will try to put these scattered pieces together, but the thoughts might still be scattered at the end.
Spiritually contented is always seen as hopeful, joyful, pleasant, productive in ministry and vision-oriented. This is indeed, perfect! While I went through some down side of life, when I am spiritually hopeless, sadness, desolated, and lost, it is as well part of the spiritual walk.
“A healthy faith gets us through that dark valley. Unhealthy faith makes you pretend the valley doesn’t even exist!”
What a hypocrite I am to pretend things are always fine, rather admitting the reality and speak to HIM of the precise condition is true. Spiritual hypocrite tends to ‘muscle up’ the spiritual experience, by completing, achieving and accomplishing the deeds. When I did these, I felt good about myself, indeed, I felt too good about myself. This is like a sugar coated pill, it makes me feel good just by swallowing it but would never find out what’s really inside. It is a self deception that the pill would do spiritual life good, rather the pill toxic it. This kind of ‘spiritual high’ doesn’t last and sustaining it causes exhaustion.
When the dust settled and in stillness, the true longing and desire within started to unfold. I mourned at the lost of friendship, the once very close fellowship serving experience died which I don’t have a chance to grief but to make a sharp turn to pretend nothing has ever happened and lead the rest to move on. It suffers my spiritual life.
And in stillness… God reveals the evilness within me, the unrighteous thoughts, self-justification and lust. I don’t feel good anymore about myself of what a sinner I actually am. Those hurting incidents and people started to dim in the light of God’s grace and forgiveness. The grudge holds against those who brought hurt were released.
In the midst of all these, Jesus shattered some dreams, ungodly relationship, deceiving spiritual experience and self-protection, however for what He shattered and took away, He replaced with Himself. Jesus sees it all and thinks that it is a good picture, and He likes it very much.
Spiritually contented is always seen as hopeful, joyful, pleasant, productive in ministry and vision-oriented. This is indeed, perfect! While I went through some down side of life, when I am spiritually hopeless, sadness, desolated, and lost, it is as well part of the spiritual walk.
“A healthy faith gets us through that dark valley. Unhealthy faith makes you pretend the valley doesn’t even exist!”
What a hypocrite I am to pretend things are always fine, rather admitting the reality and speak to HIM of the precise condition is true. Spiritual hypocrite tends to ‘muscle up’ the spiritual experience, by completing, achieving and accomplishing the deeds. When I did these, I felt good about myself, indeed, I felt too good about myself. This is like a sugar coated pill, it makes me feel good just by swallowing it but would never find out what’s really inside. It is a self deception that the pill would do spiritual life good, rather the pill toxic it. This kind of ‘spiritual high’ doesn’t last and sustaining it causes exhaustion.
When the dust settled and in stillness, the true longing and desire within started to unfold. I mourned at the lost of friendship, the once very close fellowship serving experience died which I don’t have a chance to grief but to make a sharp turn to pretend nothing has ever happened and lead the rest to move on. It suffers my spiritual life.
And in stillness… God reveals the evilness within me, the unrighteous thoughts, self-justification and lust. I don’t feel good anymore about myself of what a sinner I actually am. Those hurting incidents and people started to dim in the light of God’s grace and forgiveness. The grudge holds against those who brought hurt were released.
In the midst of all these, Jesus shattered some dreams, ungodly relationship, deceiving spiritual experience and self-protection, however for what He shattered and took away, He replaced with Himself. Jesus sees it all and thinks that it is a good picture, and He likes it very much.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Rev. Cheung Happy Birthday
As he is with you now, Jesus please take care of him. Send your holy spirit to accompany Mrs. Cheung and strengthen her to continue your work.
Today is as well Patrick and Christine's 10th anniversary. May God continue to bless your family! I still remember clearly the day Rev. Cheung officiates your wedding on his birthday. Time flies!
Today is as well Patrick and Christine's 10th anniversary. May God continue to bless your family! I still remember clearly the day Rev. Cheung officiates your wedding on his birthday. Time flies!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Serving Non-Stop...
Echo to one of the gOd'scar WeTube, "Serving Non-Stop", it is real! Philippians Service Group gear up!
Philippians Christmas Party - December 15, 2007
Philippians Camp May 24-26, 2008
Lord, please guide us to be able to find a place with cottages to accommondate families with baby.
Philippians Christmas Party - December 15, 2007
Philippians Camp May 24-26, 2008
Lord, please guide us to be able to find a place with cottages to accommondate families with baby.
Dadco: This is for you. Is it too easy?? or you might heard this before. I don't have a clue.
Dadco: This is for you. Is it too easy?? or you might heard this before. I don't have a clue.
記得有一年特別開心,連同弟兄姊妹的父母也一起過節。玩猜迷語和一些腦筋急轉彎的遊戲,Uncle就是不服估不到Black Magic的’橋’妙,猜了大半晚仍徘徊在這個黑色魔術的疑團中。
記得有一年特別開心,連同弟兄姊妹的父母也一起過節。玩猜迷語和一些腦筋急轉彎的遊戲,Uncle就是不服估不到Black Magic的’橋’妙,猜了大半晚仍徘徊在這個黑色魔術的疑團中。
Monday, September 24, 2007
一個月多前腓立比擧行過一個舊曲新詞比賽,當時正在短宣,沒法現場觀看弟兄姊妹表演,幸好得霍先霍太錄影製成影碟,趕緊在他們結婚前給我。謝謝他們的細心!這個節目是gOd’scar Camp WeTube 的前奏。估不到腓立比弟兄姊妹真的很有表演天份。雖然沒有參與,但也藉此也提筆一試。
原本我是個空殼子 任我 作孽
原本我是個孤漢子 任我 罪裡生
是我被你 用愛換來 是你十架 上那血灑
為你活過 令我可更愉快
而我像似垃圾 曾留戀這世間
從神中得再生 似無暇
人世俗裡覓愛 蜃樓般會幻化
然而得你為我 把血灑
任你我遇上 多一次 總相信 你仍還寬恕
若我再做那些不智 請主你 拔去心中的刺
不忍看 著我傷多次
在世俗 流離顛沛 從今不可以
灰燼裡 被徹底寬恕
我以後 全屬主你 全心給主你
原本我是個空殼子 任我 作孽
原本我是個孤漢子 任我 罪裡生
是我被你 用愛換來 是你十架 上那血灑
為你活過 令我可更愉快
而我像似垃圾 曾留戀這世間
從神中得再生 似無暇
人世俗裡覓愛 蜃樓般會幻化
然而得你為我 把血灑
任你我遇上 多一次 總相信 你仍還寬恕
若我再做那些不智 請主你 拔去心中的刺
不忍看 著我傷多次
在世俗 流離顛沛 從今不可以
灰燼裡 被徹底寬恕
我以後 全屬主你 全心給主你
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
「老井新泉」- 中國人的智慧
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
1st Day of School - Christian Spirituality & Soul Care Lecture Series
Last night, I prepared a folder, printed direction, check my writng tools. Today is my first day of school although it only last six weeks. Since 1997 graduation, how I long for a student life. Reading, researching, writing, jotting notes and thinking. I am not like scholar, I am just a learner.
Here I am, almost 2 hour early to my seven o'clock class. Sitting at the flower bushes, smelling the evening breeze, watching students with backpack walking around campus, the sun sets on front lawn of Calvary Chapel. A professor, I guess, just walked by said, "Studying hard huh?". This is feeling cool! Someone actually thinks that I am a student! I love this,... all along within the walls of church, I am, most of the time, someone else's teacher. It is cool to be a student, I don't need to have answer to question, I am here to in-take, being fed and ask questions! It is absolutely ok to say I don't know at school, especially it is the 1st day of school!
Thank you Jesus for this special day.
Here I am, almost 2 hour early to my seven o'clock class. Sitting at the flower bushes, smelling the evening breeze, watching students with backpack walking around campus, the sun sets on front lawn of Calvary Chapel. A professor, I guess, just walked by said, "Studying hard huh?". This is feeling cool! Someone actually thinks that I am a student! I love this,... all along within the walls of church, I am, most of the time, someone else's teacher. It is cool to be a student, I don't need to have answer to question, I am here to in-take, being fed and ask questions! It is absolutely ok to say I don't know at school, especially it is the 1st day of school!
Thank you Jesus for this special day.
He is unparalleled and unprecedented
He is the centerpiece of civilization
He is the superlative of all excellence
He is the sum of human greatness
He is the source of divine grace
His name is the only one able to save
And His blood is the only power able to cleanse
His ear is open to the sinner’s call
His hand is quick to lift the fallen soul
He’s the eternal lover of us all
And you can trust Him
He supplies mercy for the struggling soul
He sustains the tempted and the tried
He sympathizes with the wounded and broken
He strengthens the weak and the weary
He guards and He guides the wanderer
He heals the sick and cleanses the leper
He delivers the captive and defends the helpless
And He binds up the broken hearted
He’s for you
And you can trust Him
Jesus is the key to all knowledge
He is the wellspring of wisdom
He’s the doorway of deliverance
And He’s the pathway of peace
He’s the roadway of righteousness
He’s the highway of holiness
He’s the gateway to glory
And yes you can trust Him
Jesus IS enough
He’s the all sufficient King
He’s the King of the Jews
He’s the King of Israel
He’s the King of righteousness
And He’s the King of the ages
He’s the King of Heaven
He’s the King of glory
He’s the King of kings and
He’s the Lord of lords
And yes again you can trust Him
And rejoice in this my friend
HE is a sovereign King
There is no gauge to measure His limitless love
There is no barrier to block His blessings outpoured
He is enduringly strong
And He is entirely supreme
He is eternally steadfast
He is immortally faithful
He is imperially powerful and
He is impartially merciful
He is Jesus God’s Son
And you can trust Him
I wish I could more accurately describe Him to you
But He’s indescribable
He’s incomprehensible
He’s invincible He’s irresistible
You can’t outlive Him
And you can’t live without Him
The Pharisees couldn’t stand Him
But they found they couldn’t stop Him
Pilate couldn’t fault Him
Herod couldn’t kill Him
Death couldn’t conquer Him
And the grave couldn’t hold Him
My friends
He’s the Alpha and Omega
The first and the last
He’s the God of the future
And the God of the past
And we rise to speak Him name again and again
Jesus Jesus
He is Jesus
He is for us
And we can trust Him
Free Coffee - Everyday Grace
Stan, my CFO, gave me a starbucks invitation today, 2 free coffees for you and your friend.
Starbucks used to give out Starbucks card to their shareholder, and now extending the shareholder's benefit to their friends. I get to benefit from Stan's investment for a free cup of Starbucks. In addition to this free cup of Starbucks, I'll get a chance to sit down with Stan to talk... Thanks God... cos next year when Stan retires and resides to north California, we won't get to chat. I will ask him why he buys Starbucks coffee everyday while we brew fresh Starbucks coffee in office.
Days in and days out, we just miss out the daily provision and grace, and keep thinking that we ought to pay to enjoy them.
Thanks Stan!
Starbucks used to give out Starbucks card to their shareholder, and now extending the shareholder's benefit to their friends. I get to benefit from Stan's investment for a free cup of Starbucks. In addition to this free cup of Starbucks, I'll get a chance to sit down with Stan to talk... Thanks God... cos next year when Stan retires and resides to north California, we won't get to chat. I will ask him why he buys Starbucks coffee everyday while we brew fresh Starbucks coffee in office.
Days in and days out, we just miss out the daily provision and grace, and keep thinking that we ought to pay to enjoy them.
Thanks Stan!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
時間di da di da的響
在老家的屋內 妳也許還沒睡
妳陪在我身旁 不管有多麼困難
妳陪在我身旁 不管那有多困難
我懂了 妳在保護我
時間di da di da的響
在老家的屋內 妳也許還沒睡
妳陪在我身旁 不管有多麼困難
妳陪在我身旁 不管那有多困難
我懂了 妳在保護我
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
All That Really Matters
A book sit on my bookshelf for so long, half finished. I had a meal with my old friend and reminds me that I owe her the book I borrowed, now I got my own copy.
Years ago I attended a conference, the experience was ok and Shelia Walsh is one of the speaker. At the time I was so into Nicole Johnson, another speaker at the conference, her book caught me. I didn't have a chance to re-read Walsh's until recently. The idea of "All That Really Matters" is simple - Following God Doesn't Have To Be So Complicated: is to love God with all we have and are, and to love others as we love ourselves. An excerpt from the book...
"Instead of focusing on loving God and others, we tend to cling to lists of rules and regulations. We imagine that if we do what we think is required, we can expect God to respond in particular ways...."
"What comes to our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us. If we see God as our Lord, our Savior, our provider, the lover of our souls, then that will affect how we live, how we love, and what consumes us."
From time to time, I am so bounded by what I need to do, how I should react to circumstances and need to make those around me to be happy and in harmony, and that cause me to grow into fatigue and exhaustion. As I start to read the book again, God is challenging me to change. Tough… but gradually the spirit is simmering in my heart for such change. Today I knew Jesus to a new level…
Last week, I got a little gift from my friend, it’s a photo album, I love it so much. Thanks Roz!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Hollywood Bowl

Saturday, September 8, 2007
Before ...

After ... (菲菲:剪左嗱? 好似無剪過一樣。)
Before ...

After ... (菲菲:剪左嗱? 好似無剪過一樣。)


Wednesday, September 5, 2007
gOd'scar - WeTube Competition
2007年度腓立比團契gOd'scar Camp - WeTube Competition巨獻...
最佳男主角:Tim - 想回到神的占 (二度決志)
最佳女主角:Maggie - 組長 (事奉..停不了)
最佳男配角:Donald - 醬爆 (佈道會之前)
最佳女配角:Wendy - 小組Core Member (事奉..停不了)
最喜愛角色:Ben - 牛肉Ben (佈道會之前)
(1) 吾艷組- 屬靈選美 - (原註:香港小姐)
(2) Seven - 二度決志 (原註:異度空間)
(3) Pho 64- 入Camp記之信主 (原註:西遊記)
(4) Warmer Brother - 佈道會之前 (原註:少林足球)
(5) 停不了 - 事奉, 停不了 (原註:忘不了)
(6) WeAct - (原註:功夫)
(7) 伊甸園 - 醫癲院 (原註:死亡筆記)
最佳男主角:Tim - 想回到神的占 (二度決志)
最佳女主角:Maggie - 組長 (事奉..停不了)
最佳男配角:Donald - 醬爆 (佈道會之前)
最佳女配角:Wendy - 小組Core Member (事奉..停不了)
最喜愛角色:Ben - 牛肉Ben (佈道會之前)
(1) 吾艷組- 屬靈選美 - (原註:香港小姐)
(2) Seven - 二度決志 (原註:異度空間)
(3) Pho 64- 入Camp記之信主 (原註:西遊記)
(4) Warmer Brother - 佈道會之前 (原註:少林足球)
(5) 停不了 - 事奉, 停不了 (原註:忘不了)
(6) WeAct - (原註:功夫)
(7) 伊甸園 - 醫癲院 (原註:死亡筆記)
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
gOd’scar Camp – as we ”遇見神”, we start to heal…
2007 is a tough year for Philippians. Our spirit is running low, bottleneck in numbers, spiritual life stuck, SIN and leaders are exhausted.
Of my little faith, I don’t have much expectation to this camp, especially after such a fruitful short term mission in China and discover the sin within our fellowship. My mentality is to get the task done. God surprises me.
The long buried feeling has been dug out after all these… The wound didn’t seem to be completely healed from 4 months ago and the same wound is being stabbed again. The whole body of Christ forgives together, all it takes is some time for the wound to heal. The Lord has mercy on us. The road leads to healing is rough and full of obstacle. We would have back up and U-turn to our original place because of the wild fire up on the mountain. The obstacle didn’t just send us back home, but was able to reroute us to the destination although that detour takes longer and with much curved road. God actually surprises us. Lightening, thundering, raining and sunshine are cycling throughout the 3 day camp. The stormy weather seems to be a bad thing for camp, however it actually keep us together.
The Transformer Bond Fire bind us together and prepared us to dig deep into our heart for some authentic and genuine sharing, disclosing the hurt during small group sharing time. The spirit of healing is among us when we are able to cry together, in front of people and especially to those that bring the hurt. Healing is gradual. The process of sterilizing is there, we feel it because the wound ache. There is much yet to be resolved, may God have mercy on us.
It is great to be part of Philippians, the unity, love, togetherness, faithfulness, submissive spirit and willingness to serve are something that make us different.
Together with a prayerful heart we step into a new era.
看天邊飄過雲海, 告訴世界幻變常在, 從來人在月缺下盼月圓
天天總有上演,告訴你我動人故事, 動人情節留下伏線 細心飾演
如何人心粉碎像微塵 無言留淚 滿身抖震
如何遇見神 被擁抱 再得起身
明明平安彷彿天邊遠 流連遊盪 暗失方寸
然而遇見神 被指引 再生精采心內滲* (Repeat*)
只因有你 今天有你 了不起
由誰來導 演出好戲
人能遇見神 是福氣 最終高飛
從來難數高低多少次 何時成就 那天失意
前途幻變時 路雖遠 有這福氣心內暖
2007 is a tough year for Philippians. Our spirit is running low, bottleneck in numbers, spiritual life stuck, SIN and leaders are exhausted.
Of my little faith, I don’t have much expectation to this camp, especially after such a fruitful short term mission in China and discover the sin within our fellowship. My mentality is to get the task done. God surprises me.
The long buried feeling has been dug out after all these… The wound didn’t seem to be completely healed from 4 months ago and the same wound is being stabbed again. The whole body of Christ forgives together, all it takes is some time for the wound to heal. The Lord has mercy on us. The road leads to healing is rough and full of obstacle. We would have back up and U-turn to our original place because of the wild fire up on the mountain. The obstacle didn’t just send us back home, but was able to reroute us to the destination although that detour takes longer and with much curved road. God actually surprises us. Lightening, thundering, raining and sunshine are cycling throughout the 3 day camp. The stormy weather seems to be a bad thing for camp, however it actually keep us together.
The Transformer Bond Fire bind us together and prepared us to dig deep into our heart for some authentic and genuine sharing, disclosing the hurt during small group sharing time. The spirit of healing is among us when we are able to cry together, in front of people and especially to those that bring the hurt. Healing is gradual. The process of sterilizing is there, we feel it because the wound ache. There is much yet to be resolved, may God have mercy on us.
It is great to be part of Philippians, the unity, love, togetherness, faithfulness, submissive spirit and willingness to serve are something that make us different.
Together with a prayerful heart we step into a new era.
看天邊飄過雲海, 告訴世界幻變常在, 從來人在月缺下盼月圓
天天總有上演,告訴你我動人故事, 動人情節留下伏線 細心飾演
如何人心粉碎像微塵 無言留淚 滿身抖震
如何遇見神 被擁抱 再得起身
明明平安彷彿天邊遠 流連遊盪 暗失方寸
然而遇見神 被指引 再生精采心內滲* (Repeat*)
只因有你 今天有你 了不起
由誰來導 演出好戲
人能遇見神 是福氣 最終高飛
從來難數高低多少次 何時成就 那天失意
前途幻變時 路雖遠 有這福氣心內暖
Sunday, September 2, 2007
gOd'scar Camp - frustration turns into thanksgiving

Friday, August 31, 2007
腓立比今年營會主題為gOd’scar (God/Gospel + Oscar),以電影主題作藍本引身福音。可讓新朋友以他們熟識的渠道入手,思想人生,引入福音,同時亦幫助弟兄姊妹怎樣看電影之餘也能從中發掘信仰與人生。
女主角,啊妙,年近三十、單身、因好賭的父親欠下一身債。被迫淪落街市賣魚為生,晚上把賣剩的魚作粥搵外快。故事背景「富貴墟」,其實是一個小型街市。每一個人也在幹自己的活,目的就是要活下去。啊妙卻不然,她二十七歲,目的是要在三十歲前還清欠債,離開街市,找一個值得嫁的人。那幾年她有目標地奮力工作,也不怕吃苦,原本與她作對的魚佬對她由憐生愛。魚佬從中幫了她不少忙,她不是沒有感動,而是還未到三十歲她相信她仍有本錢和機會。她是不會選擇街市佬的。豬肉佬、餅佬和魚佬,啊妙都沒有選擇。她心目中的「他」是一個猶似她獨愛的銀包一樣,是一個Prada和 Gucci的混合體。時間過去了,爸爸亦死去,錢也還清了,街市也拆了,富貴墟的舊街坊各散東西。啊妙過了三十歲,找到了自己的事業卻失去了愛她的魚佬。人與事往往都是失去了才覺珍貴。再見到魚佬時,選擇權不知那時已從她手中溜走了。魚佬已有了自己的家庭。
女主角,啊妙,年近三十、單身、因好賭的父親欠下一身債。被迫淪落街市賣魚為生,晚上把賣剩的魚作粥搵外快。故事背景「富貴墟」,其實是一個小型街市。每一個人也在幹自己的活,目的就是要活下去。啊妙卻不然,她二十七歲,目的是要在三十歲前還清欠債,離開街市,找一個值得嫁的人。那幾年她有目標地奮力工作,也不怕吃苦,原本與她作對的魚佬對她由憐生愛。魚佬從中幫了她不少忙,她不是沒有感動,而是還未到三十歲她相信她仍有本錢和機會。她是不會選擇街市佬的。豬肉佬、餅佬和魚佬,啊妙都沒有選擇。她心目中的「他」是一個猶似她獨愛的銀包一樣,是一個Prada和 Gucci的混合體。時間過去了,爸爸亦死去,錢也還清了,街市也拆了,富貴墟的舊街坊各散東西。啊妙過了三十歲,找到了自己的事業卻失去了愛她的魚佬。人與事往往都是失去了才覺珍貴。再見到魚佬時,選擇權不知那時已從她手中溜走了。魚佬已有了自己的家庭。
Thursday, August 30, 2007
求主保守週末腓立比有好天氣,舉行gOd’scar Camp.
求主保守週末腓立比有好天氣,舉行gOd’scar Camp.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
人的怒氣 vs. 神的怒氣
「因為人的怒氣、並不成就神的義。」 雅1:20
Sunday, August 26, 2007
麥子與稗子正在同時生長,而耶穌告訴門徒,不要在意稗子 ─ 那是衪的事,只要專心去栽培麥子。
麥子與稗子正在同時生長,而耶穌告訴門徒,不要在意稗子 ─ 那是衪的事,只要專心去栽培麥子。
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Topics to be told in the Future...
There are a lot to tell about my family...
All the interesting stories told over and over again by my mother about our childhood. The days when we lived at the narrow dead end street called the "Mouse Tail" of the "Green Bean Area" in Macau. How my brothers threw water bomb from the 5th floor after we moved in a building. How eight of us all fit in my dad's first sedan. The day when Patrick went 'po po' under a tree and chased after by the bees. The bloody scary cut on Lawrence's as he stood on top of the glass table and broke the glass. How Ivan has been called "the Lazy Ghost" because he refused to take the bread to the old lady next door by giving an excuse that he doesn't have energy to do so. How mom punished the wrong person because James and Patrick look so much alike. How dad treated Thomas 滕條燜豬肉 when he put his 鼻屎 on the wall. The day we got our first pet and she "pee" and "po' on our carpet and we stepped on it. The night when I am on high fever and mom carried me and ran a long way for a taxi in the middle of the night, waited till dawn and no taxi can hire, my fever was gone and mom is so exhausted, we then walk home together without going to the hospital.
And the next generation… they are creating topics to be told over and over again in the future...
The kids new toy... they started to feed Jacob chocolate ice-cream. Jacob thinks that he can eat them all...
All the interesting stories told over and over again by my mother about our childhood. The days when we lived at the narrow dead end street called the "Mouse Tail" of the "Green Bean Area" in Macau. How my brothers threw water bomb from the 5th floor after we moved in a building. How eight of us all fit in my dad's first sedan. The day when Patrick went 'po po' under a tree and chased after by the bees. The bloody scary cut on Lawrence's as he stood on top of the glass table and broke the glass. How Ivan has been called "the Lazy Ghost" because he refused to take the bread to the old lady next door by giving an excuse that he doesn't have energy to do so. How mom punished the wrong person because James and Patrick look so much alike. How dad treated Thomas 滕條燜豬肉 when he put his 鼻屎 on the wall. The day we got our first pet and she "pee" and "po' on our carpet and we stepped on it. The night when I am on high fever and mom carried me and ran a long way for a taxi in the middle of the night, waited till dawn and no taxi can hire, my fever was gone and mom is so exhausted, we then walk home together without going to the hospital.
And the next generation… they are creating topics to be told over and over again in the future...
The kids new toy... they started to feed Jacob chocolate ice-cream. Jacob thinks that he can eat them all...
Sunday, August 19, 2007
罪雖可怕, 但...
承認過犯 求祢寬恕
一次再一次 赦免我又潔淨我靈
我雖跌倒 卻要起來
HE Works In Ways We Can Not See
It is never my good work, it's God's.
An email from Rongxian. It is not my intention to get any praise or word of gratitude for what is done in China. One of my student emailed me. I am very pleased and touched. I am not a person good at spoken word, somehow God used my weaknesses for His glory. I don't even remember I said such thing, but God composed it to be sound of music in her ears. She said when I said that her tears filled her eyes and her teaching won't be the same again. When I read her email, tears filled my mine. The God of good work, works in ways we can not see.
When I saw them Thursday, I am speechless and emotionally shut down, I don't feel a thing for the entire week. After the restoration, my feet walk toward them, I am still speechless, however, somehow my two arms put around her, I feel something, it's LOVE. Love is not a spoken language, it is God's work, works in ways we can not see.
An email from Rongxian. It is not my intention to get any praise or word of gratitude for what is done in China. One of my student emailed me. I am very pleased and touched. I am not a person good at spoken word, somehow God used my weaknesses for His glory. I don't even remember I said such thing, but God composed it to be sound of music in her ears. She said when I said that her tears filled her eyes and her teaching won't be the same again. When I read her email, tears filled my mine. The God of good work, works in ways we can not see.
When I saw them Thursday, I am speechless and emotionally shut down, I don't feel a thing for the entire week. After the restoration, my feet walk toward them, I am still speechless, however, somehow my two arms put around her, I feel something, it's LOVE. Love is not a spoken language, it is God's work, works in ways we can not see.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Somehow within the two weeks of RX STM, Denise and I were singing this song day and night. It just happen simultaneously that God put this song in our head the same time. This song is as comforting as it is from day 1. From time to time, I just need to re-confirm the covenant between God and I, how sin separated me from my dear Lord, how deadly sin is forbiding me from enjoying God's presence, how uncomprehendable Jesus's love to me to put himself on the cross, how indescrible is it for God to come to earth to save sinful human, how lovely it is I am in HIS own eye, how precious it is I am in HIS bosom.
主耶穌 我感謝你 你的身體 為我而捨
帶我出黑暗 進入光明國度 使我再次能看見
主耶穌 我感謝你 你的寶血 為我而流
寶貴十架上 醫治恩典湧流 使我完全得自由
主耶穌 我感謝你 你的身體 為我而捨
帶我出黑暗 進入光明國度 使我再次能看見
主耶穌 我感謝你 你的寶血 為我而流
寶貴十架上 醫治恩典湧流 使我完全得自由
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
給最開心的人 (給遺忘了的人)
窮途末路之時 我急需的是你聲音
每當天色陰沈 你就像太陽為我暖心
對於朋友 你的細心 已足夠花去半數時間
尚有精神娛樂大家 從沒離群
情路段段不幸 你用辦法沒有上心
慣於利用經驗 叫身邊的人勇敢
對於情感 你很有心
為了打救旁人幸福 沒時間傷心
感激你 最開心的人
陪伴著我 每個無眠夜深
用你笑聲 修補我不幸
過濾失落 重獲信心
只不過 誰為你認真
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲
每當落淚之前 你可想找誰人說話
每當熱鬧之後 你最想誰為你留下
記得有天 你失了蹤
感激你 最開心的人
陪伴著我 每個無眠夜深
用你笑聲 修補我不幸
過濾失落 重獲信心
只不過 誰為你認真
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲
多得你 最開心的人
用你笑聲 粉飾了天地
告別失望 無懼氣溫
只不過 誰為你著緊
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲
若你想哭 即管放心吧
「火後有微小的聲音。」- 列王紀上19:12
「火後有微小的聲音。」- 列王紀上19:12
Monday, August 13, 2007
Eidel Weiss - 雪絨花
於太平洋上空 - 8/11/07
Eidel Weiss Eidel Weiss
Every morning you greet me
Soft and white, clean and bright
You look happy to meet me
Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Eidel Weiss Eidel Weiss
Bless my homeland forever
在每天的英語培訓中也唱著這首歌,很多學員也非常喜歡。在Sound of Music中這首歌是維也納的國歌。記得在Sound of Music中的上尉是帶著傷感的心情唱這首歌,那時正在納粹黨的迫害下唱出對在家園常見的花朶的一種念掛。離別他的家鄉,希望在花開之時,藉種在家鄉的雪絨花把無限的祝福與眷佑在苦難中的國家。
Eidel Weiss Eidel Weiss
Every morning you greet me
Soft and white, clean and bright
You look happy to meet me
Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Eidel Weiss Eidel Weiss
Bless my homeland forever
在每天的英語培訓中也唱著這首歌,很多學員也非常喜歡。在Sound of Music中這首歌是維也納的國歌。記得在Sound of Music中的上尉是帶著傷感的心情唱這首歌,那時正在納粹黨的迫害下唱出對在家園常見的花朶的一種念掛。離別他的家鄉,希望在花開之時,藉種在家鄉的雪絨花把無限的祝福與眷佑在苦難中的國家。
Back to Office
Finally got some sleep last night, thanks God. Today is working day!! My desk is piled with stacks and stacks of paper, sorting, filing, organizing and managing... the CFO said they are very disorganzied. ... may be that's why they need a manager.
Christine and the kids are gone last night back to South Carolina. Dad will fly to Hong Kong today, and that concluded the 2 months of Family Reunion, Short Term Mission and Summer visitation. The last two months has been fascinating and exhausted, but full of fun with the kids, joy serving with God in China and grace to cope with unexpected dilemma. Jesus grant us peace, wisdom to cope and strength to move on. What's lies ahead will be even more challenging and require totally reliance on Jesus. Jesus have mercy on us.
Christine and the kids are gone last night back to South Carolina. Dad will fly to Hong Kong today, and that concluded the 2 months of Family Reunion, Short Term Mission and Summer visitation. The last two months has been fascinating and exhausted, but full of fun with the kids, joy serving with God in China and grace to cope with unexpected dilemma. Jesus grant us peace, wisdom to cope and strength to move on. What's lies ahead will be even more challenging and require totally reliance on Jesus. Jesus have mercy on us.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
給姨媽的悼念 - A Final Tribute
寫於8/2/07 於廣西, 容縣
Death becomes part of life, it is expected and predictable. Yet, who can be ready to receive a death news?
姨媽 is a traditional chinese woman born in a typical family in Macau. She is the 5th sister in the family, my mom's elder sister. My impression of 姨媽 is very much dated back to those days our family still live in Hong Kong. She is a real good chef. Her home is always our gathering place for family get-together. There is a missing link for the recent years as her Alzheimer's disease become severe. She lost her ability to communicate and take care of herself. One of the purpose of my stay in HK was to evangelize to her while she is in her sick bed. Time is running out, and she didn't make it til I am complete with the mission. It is a time to learn submissive to God's time table.
姨媽 lived. Although with no spectacular legacy, her sacrificial love to her family is very much appreciated and remembered. It is nothing to be mentioned for those who love for a reward, but those who love with no condition should be respected and remembered. 姨媽's entire life s 'giving', her love to her children although not rewarded in her final years by her two sons, paid back by her always loving daughter.
Death becomes part of life, it is expected and predictable. Yet, who can be ready to receive a death news?
姨媽 is a traditional chinese woman born in a typical family in Macau. She is the 5th sister in the family, my mom's elder sister. My impression of 姨媽 is very much dated back to those days our family still live in Hong Kong. She is a real good chef. Her home is always our gathering place for family get-together. There is a missing link for the recent years as her Alzheimer's disease become severe. She lost her ability to communicate and take care of herself. One of the purpose of my stay in HK was to evangelize to her while she is in her sick bed. Time is running out, and she didn't make it til I am complete with the mission. It is a time to learn submissive to God's time table.
姨媽 lived. Although with no spectacular legacy, her sacrificial love to her family is very much appreciated and remembered. It is nothing to be mentioned for those who love for a reward, but those who love with no condition should be respected and remembered. 姨媽's entire life s 'giving', her love to her children although not rewarded in her final years by her two sons, paid back by her always loving daughter.
寫於廣西, 容縣 - 07/31/07
容縣, 一個在廣西的小城。上帝在這地方的計劃如何?要在這地開荒要一個怎樣的呼召?一個怎樣的人呢?
容縣, 一個在廣西的小城。上帝在這地方的計劃如何?要在這地開荒要一個怎樣的呼召?一個怎樣的人呢?
Monday, August 6, 2007
今天與一班幼稚園同學聚餐。其中有一位已19年沒有見過面。這麼一別便差不多20年了!他個子高了、伴了,頭也頹了,但性格仍像昔日般率真、可愛。樣子極像填詞人Wyman。一群童年的朋友仍能相聚,在今天是極難得的事。我記得初移民的時侯非常不捨這班同學,更因大家讀完了小六便各散東西,失了聯絡。當時身在美國的我在日記中寫著:「真的希望可以登報紙,尋:玫瑰崗小學1988年P.6B班同學。」後來都把這個心願忘記了。直到6、7年前有一個男同學在網上找到了我,續漸在這些年間找到更多同班同學,現在都有差不多20個了!連同歷年的班主任Miss Lo也聯絡上了!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
RXTTT - Mission Completed
Thanks God, RXTTT is concluded with lots of thanksgiving and great joy.
Thanks God that our team bond together so well even we come from different churches.
Thanks God for Dr. Silas, he is the cutest senior I've ever met, his faithful commitment to serve Jesus.
Thanks God for Elder Tim, of his great spiritual impact on me through each simple conversation with him.
Thanks God for John, for his great sense of humor and great contribution to the team with his abundant knowledge nearly everything!
Thanks God for Bryan, a quiet yet spiritually active brother.
Thanks God for Denise, we spent nights and nights of sharing together. Thanks God that we bond so well.
Thanks God for Harris, his endless idea and zealous heart in the Lord to forward God's ministry!
Thanks God that local school officials and officiers are satisfied with our course and very likely will be able to continue to work in RX, with education enrichment course as well as gospel purpose.
Thanks God that no one really got sick, at least not serious sick and we are able to cope with the environment even with 'less-ideal' sanitary facility.
Thanks God that teachers are willing to learn and able to see Jesus in us eventhough we didn't share explicitly our faith in class.
Lots and lots of thanksgiving. To God be the glory. AMEN.
Thanks God that our team bond together so well even we come from different churches.
Thanks God for Dr. Silas, he is the cutest senior I've ever met, his faithful commitment to serve Jesus.
Thanks God for Elder Tim, of his great spiritual impact on me through each simple conversation with him.
Thanks God for John, for his great sense of humor and great contribution to the team with his abundant knowledge nearly everything!
Thanks God for Bryan, a quiet yet spiritually active brother.
Thanks God for Denise, we spent nights and nights of sharing together. Thanks God that we bond so well.
Thanks God for Harris, his endless idea and zealous heart in the Lord to forward God's ministry!
Thanks God that local school officials and officiers are satisfied with our course and very likely will be able to continue to work in RX, with education enrichment course as well as gospel purpose.
Thanks God that no one really got sick, at least not serious sick and we are able to cope with the environment even with 'less-ideal' sanitary facility.
Thanks God that teachers are willing to learn and able to see Jesus in us eventhough we didn't share explicitly our faith in class.
Lots and lots of thanksgiving. To God be the glory. AMEN.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Mom's B-Day Gift & Family Reunion SlideShow
July 4 - Mom's birhday. The Lee's Family 19 people celebrate at Las Vegas. Everyone of us kisses mom and greet her Happy Birthday, Mom broke into tears.
The Lee's Family Reunion (7/2 - 7/14...)
There are alot to tell in the pass two weeks of family reunion. I guess I will need to wait til I come back from RXTTT to share...
Mom and Dad are so happy! The kids are so cute! Thank God, I have a very lovely family.

Mom and Dad are so happy! The kids are so cute! Thank God, I have a very lovely family.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
渴慕祢 - Thirsty for You
在祢的恩光中 舉起手敬拜祢
在祢的居所中 張開口讚美祢
盡我心敬拜祢 讚美祢 擁戴祢
是我心嚮往著祢 渴慕祢
是我心嚮往著祢 渴慕祢
是我心緊靠著祢 愛慕祢
神呀! 走在盡處無水之地,是你在滋潤著我,鼓勵我拿著走下去的能力和決心。在水盡之時仍有敬拜、讚美你的能力。人的盡頭就是神的開始。事奉若不喜樂,那一定是出了問題。求主憐憫。
在祢的居所中 張開口讚美祢
盡我心敬拜祢 讚美祢 擁戴祢
是我心嚮往著祢 渴慕祢
是我心嚮往著祢 渴慕祢
是我心緊靠著祢 愛慕祢
神呀! 走在盡處無水之地,是你在滋潤著我,鼓勵我拿著走下去的能力和決心。在水盡之時仍有敬拜、讚美你的能力。人的盡頭就是神的開始。事奉若不喜樂,那一定是出了問題。求主憐憫。
Monday, May 21, 2007
Being Upset for the WRONG reason!
Struggling big times. Sometimes I just feel terrible about myself.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
If Jesus Christ is God and died for me...
"If Jesus Christ is God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him." -- C.T. Studd (1860-1931)
As I come to your mighty present, I am stunned. As I come to know the testimony of your faithful servant, the "I" shrunk. At one point where I think I've done so much for you, a slap on my face as I heard C.T Studd's motto: "If Jesus Christ is God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him." What a cooincident that I wrote on a piece of paper the same statement before I heard it again at prayer meeting. My dear Lord must have touched my heart in preparation for my RXTTT short term mission.
Talking about sacrifice...
whether is attending sunday worship, making time for sunday school, prayer, bible reading, caring/loving others or reading book, even giving up our pride, personal preference or even our own live... the sacrifice will be done, as the fact that He died on the cross for us penertrates deeper and deeper into our soul that our heart melt for Jesus, then no sacrifice can be too great for us to make for Him.
David's motto always remind me... II Samuel 24:24 --
"I will not sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing." There's a cost to love God, offering is from our surplus if it won't even itches. While writing a check for offering, getting up from bed to do devotion and coming to worship, make it a pleasing sacrifice, a declaration of giving up self-preference of doing other stuff.
Jesus, I've been reserving too much for myself and too less for you. A life long lesson to learn, No Reserves, No Retreats & No Regrets for Jesus. Have mercy on me.
As I come to your mighty present, I am stunned. As I come to know the testimony of your faithful servant, the "I" shrunk. At one point where I think I've done so much for you, a slap on my face as I heard C.T Studd's motto: "If Jesus Christ is God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him." What a cooincident that I wrote on a piece of paper the same statement before I heard it again at prayer meeting. My dear Lord must have touched my heart in preparation for my RXTTT short term mission.
Talking about sacrifice...
whether is attending sunday worship, making time for sunday school, prayer, bible reading, caring/loving others or reading book, even giving up our pride, personal preference or even our own live... the sacrifice will be done, as the fact that He died on the cross for us penertrates deeper and deeper into our soul that our heart melt for Jesus, then no sacrifice can be too great for us to make for Him.
David's motto always remind me... II Samuel 24:24 --
"I will not sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing." There's a cost to love God, offering is from our surplus if it won't even itches. While writing a check for offering, getting up from bed to do devotion and coming to worship, make it a pleasing sacrifice, a declaration of giving up self-preference of doing other stuff.
Jesus, I've been reserving too much for myself and too less for you. A life long lesson to learn, No Reserves, No Retreats & No Regrets for Jesus. Have mercy on me.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
每年生日也是過得熱熱鬧鬧的。是天父給我的恩賜,讓我每年總有一整個月的時間給愛我的人圍繞著。昨天終於吃完了今年生日的慶祝飯局。餐館是我一直想一嘗的Ruth Chris。跳落車走在街上也未知到那裡晚餐,漸漸走近時才驚覺給厚待了,真的受寵若驚。能夠感受到別人在自己身上動過的心思,是一種幸福。
Friday, February 23, 2007
Monday, January 8, 2007
「生活得簡單是一個概念;簡單地生活是一個操練。」- 是保守自己的心在吸引的世界中擁有得太多或想擁有得更多。
「生活得簡單是一個概念;簡單地生活是一個操練。」- 是保守自己的心在吸引的世界中擁有得太多或想擁有得更多。
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